8GB of RAM installed only 3.18GB usable

Lemar Bonquiqui

Nov 5, 2015
I recently upgraded my RAM from 4 GB to 8 GB. My RAM sticks are HyperX Fury RAM Sticks (2 sticks of RAM, 4 GB per each stick) at 1333mHz. I have an h57-h motherboard that came default with my PC, the Gateway DX4840. I have tried msconfig and advanced boot up options to fix this but my attempts were in vain. Is there a way I can increase the amount of usable RAM? (My BIOS is very basic)
Thanks and regards....
You might have an option disabled that uses all the full amount of ram.
Since you have a 64bit version of windows, then you should have something disabled
Go to the start menu, type in msconfig, go to the boot section, then click Advanced Settings, and then make sure Maximum Memory is unchecked.
Reboot your computer when youve unchecked it


Yah I have already done this, and it changes nothing. I just reverted back to my old 4GBs of RAM, enabled and disabled some things in the BIOS (that wouldn't work for the new RAM, btw) and I had 4GB usable...