Does every game which release after 2006 support 8k resolution?
Not necceseraliy. 8k is uncommon at this point but most games will allow you to turn up the resolution quite high. However there are games that are limited and a lot will scale terribly at 8k with their ui.
Does every game which release after 2006 support 8k resolution?
Not necceseraliy. 8k is uncommon at this point but most games will allow you to turn up the resolution quite high. However there are games that are limited and a lot will scale terribly at 8k with their ui.
I read on google that some games does not support sli,why?
Correctlion almost no games support multi gpu and if they do almost all do it terribly and make it not worth it.
Because the devs need to make it work togheter with nvidia and amd which is a lot of work for a function very few users will use. A good year will have about 5 games that use sli and give you more than a 30% performance increase without terrible glitches, stutters and whatnot.
Sli and crossfire have basically ceased development in 2016 so no point in getting a second card anymore.