8K VRheadset!! hardware requirements?

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Nov 27, 2017
Hello everyone!!!
In mid 2018 3 new headsets are going to lanch the PIMAX 8K/8KX and also a 5K version
Now the 8K/8KX are going to be the challenge with the 8K having a 4k native imput and
usES a built in upscaler to 8K and the 8KX having a 8K native imput!!!
Now for them to be able to give a decent experience ,without causing nausia,
must run at least 90fps PER SCREEN!!!!
So the question is what hardware do we need to run these headsets?????
till now the best CPU for gaming is the 7700k with 16GB 2666Mhz ram on a Z370 MB an SSD
and a 1080ti was more than enough to play any game but is it enough for an 8K VR headset with 8K IMPUT????Will we need more cores and threads?dual or quad channel how much ram(cappacity,speed,latency???)and most important what GPU?can a 1080ti give 8K output or is
SLI need(remember 2 screens at 90fps min)or the new generation nvidia volta????
So anyone who is an expert in graffics display please help us humble VR enthusiasts to the new era of VR eperience

The Pimax 8K does not have a 4K input, it takes a dual 2560x1440 input which is then upscaled to dual 3840x2160 (not 8K).

The Pimax 8K X just takes dual 3840x2160 directly.

I don't think it's been finally confirmed whether the screens will be able to run 90 Hz, but even if they only hit 80 that's obviously still going to be very demanding. CPU and RAM demands do not change from the other VR headsets on the market, but the GPU requirements go up. A 1080 Ti should be fine with the regular Pimax 8K, but I'm not sure any current GPU will run the Pimax 8K X well. We'll have to wait and see.
Hmm thats very misleading!!They should not call it 8K then thats not a good start for pimax!!!
At least im happy to now that we wont need X299 or theadripper although i do have a concern that the newer titles for hight resolution VR headsets of the future will be optimized to take advantage of more than 4 cores as most if not all recent modern titles and probably utilize more RAM do you think thats a posibility or are we future proof with a Z370 MB and a decent 4C/8T CPU (7700K) for the next 5-10 years? OK maybe 10 is a little bit of a dream but you get my point
As for Hz on tours they have done testing it(the basic 8K version) on a MSI laptop with a GTX 1070 at 85Hz.So probably with a 1080ti and lets say
an i7 7700k to support it you think it can go above 90?Cuz if it doesnt I am not interested, taking also account the lie about the imputs
Now for the 8KX around the same time of its release the next generation of GPUs (NVIDIA VOLTA and whatever AMD makes to compete)will launch so maybe they will do the trick for the 8KX and is there a posibility that these next gen GPUs will also need more cores to run at full load?
Thank you!!!
Higher resolution does not increase the CPU workload. But newer games will likely require more CPU power. A 4C/8T CPU like the 7700K is perfect for all current VR games, but I wouldn't be surprised if a few games require more within a few years. Most games will likely keep near the current CPU requirement though, because the developers want to be able to sell the game to as many people as possible.

What refresh rate (Hz) the headset itself runs at doesn't depend on the PC. The PC runs some FPS number, and for VR that just needs to be above the refresh rate as much as possible.
So you think a 1080ti will be able to provide an fps number above the 8Ks refresh rate??? and would SLI help in this case?
I don't think that the 1080ti could pull off 8k. But you know, they keep coming up with faster and faster cards... Every year! :)

As for 4c/8t chips, I think they are a thing of the past with Intel and AMD pushing higher core counts. It won't be long until game makers start designing games to take advantage of the higher core count... This won't make your 4 core chips obsolete; but it will make you want to build a new system...

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