8ms or 6ms for gaming.. does it matter at high refresh rates?


Feb 23, 2012
I am looking at two of the Korean 1440p monitors. One claims too have 8ms, and another 6ms.

The 6ms is 320 USD. The 8ms is 300 USD. Now I really couldn't care less about the money difference, but does 6ms feel any different from 8ms in a noticeable fashion? I remember something about how the maximum lag is 16ms for 60fps, and 8ms for 120hz for it to even be noticeable?

Not sure if that is true. What cheap Korean 1440p monitor would you recommend?

6ms: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Perfect-Pixel-QNIX-QX2710-LED-Evolution-ll-Glossy-27-2560x1440-PLS-PC-Monitor-/111482849722?pt=Computer_Monitors&hash=item19f4e549ba
8ms: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Perfect-Pixel-QNIX-QX2710-LED-Evolution-2-27-2560x1440-PLS-Monitor-Glossy-/140934439651?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item20d058e2e3

I was planning to overclock the evolution to 96 or higher HZ. THANKS!!
I would say to chose the lowest delay as well, even though you probably won't notice the difference.
BTW, to get a Hz equivalent rating for those monitors, 1/time = frequency. So 8ms = 125Hz and 6ms = 167Hz.
You are also right in that about 16~17ms is 60Hz in that 1/60 = .0166~.
lower is better in this case. but its always wise to look at what your getting before putting money down.
8ms is considered a slow responce time for gamin although it is within recommended spec. 6 would be better as that 2.ms responce can be the difference between smooth gameplay and dropped frames.
I would say to chose the lowest delay as well, even though you probably won't notice the difference.
BTW, to get a Hz equivalent rating for those monitors, 1/time = frequency. So 8ms = 125Hz and 6ms = 167Hz.
You are also right in that about 16~17ms is 60Hz in that 1/60 = .0166~.

Awesome 😀 So it's almost bottle necked, the ms? Good.. I wont be going over 100hz anyways. In regards to what everyone else is saying.. I had a BenQ 120hz. It is being repaired, and I am currently stuck with a 60hz 2ms monitor, but seriously you wouldn't believe this is 60hz or even 2ms. Tons of ghosting, and an awful experience overall. Playing CSGO and it feels like 30fps. I guess once you go 120hz...

Thanks everyone! Question solved 😛