8pin won't fit

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When i bought bitfenix cable extesnions they just would fit in the power supply but just would not fit into the motherboard or the gpu. i had to use a small screwdriver to spread the metal parts inside and shred off a little but of plastic and after that it was still a bit of pain to get them to connect. You have to wiggle them around and push pretty hard. I eventually swithed to the NZXT ones and they were a much better fit. you have to look really really close as even the smallest piece of plastic can make the process really painfull.
I built my computer today, and the 8 pin connector on the PSU won't fit in the 8 pin PSU connector. The 4 pin will, but not the 8 pin. The pins are identical on both, and should fit. But the PSU connector won't fit in. Why is this?

Slow down and don't force anything

There are two different 8 pin connectors with slightly different key notches

One is for the 8 Pin PCIe power connector and one is for the 8 pin EPS (Auxiliary ATX) connector.

The 8 pin PCIe connector goes to your graphics cards

The 8 pin EPS connector goes to your motherboard. This may only be a 4 pin connector, or two 4 pins joined together, but the full specification allows for both a 4 pin and an 8 pin EPS connector at the same time (currently seen on X79 motherboards)

The key notches are slightly different to prevent them from being plugged in to the wrong location. Do not force anything!
When i bought bitfenix cable extesnions they just would fit in the power supply but just would not fit into the motherboard or the gpu. i had to use a small screwdriver to spread the metal parts inside and shred off a little but of plastic and after that it was still a bit of pain to get them to connect. You have to wiggle them around and push pretty hard. I eventually swithed to the NZXT ones and they were a much better fit. you have to look really really close as even the smallest piece of plastic can make the process really painfull.
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