8x2 or 16 gb of ram???

Aug 12, 2018
Hi all, I have a little question...I want buy mobo h370 aorus, and now I need choise a ram to put in...so I want buy 16gb for it, but if I buy 1 slot I spend 143€..if I buy 2 slot 8x2 I spend about180... so my question is: better spend 180€ for dual channel or 140€ for 1 slot because the differece is insignificant?
Sorry for my bad english 🙁 I hope u understand me
A 2x8 kit is always better. The bit width doubles from 64 to 128 and that, specially for gaming, has a huge impact.
Never go with just one stick if you could buy a kit of two sticks. And always buy them in kits, never separately.

i'm from IT, i prefer H370 because expecially had wifi.
I buy i5 8400.


You understand what i say...is better save about 40 Euro or use a dual channel?? i use expecially for Gaming..and rarally draw on pc
A 2x8 kit is always better. The bit width doubles from 64 to 128 and that, specially for gaming, has a huge impact.
Never go with just one stick if you could buy a kit of two sticks. And always buy them in kits, never separately.