90% of RAM being used when it's really not

Jul 3, 2018
Hi there!

I'm having an issue where my RAM says there is 90% usage when there is really only 20-25%. I've gone through the Task Manager and added up the numbers and they come nowhere near 90%. Posting here was my last resort as I've already spent hours trying to fix this based off of what others have said in other posts / videos online. So, I've already tried regedit, malwarebytes, driver verifier, advanced system settings, and I even wiped all my files off of both of my SSD and HDD and did a clean install of Windows. I really don't know what to do at this point. Please let me know if you have any ideas.

P.S my computer recognizes all 8GB of ram but maxes out far below that.
Get CCleaner, disable them as startup processes, and reboot to see a difference. Look at anything else in the startup list that can go (research them and decide, based on your own needs), scheduled tasks etc.

Also google around for things to disable, e.g. Windows10 tweaks. I'm on Windows 7, and it's not too bad, but it takes literally years to get a handle on your system, unless you focus on it daily, which is no fun. :)

I got into the habit for a couple of weeks of opening resmon at each boot, and getting used to what processes were there, and read up on what they did. Once the startup list is pared down, you can stop thinking about it, unless Windows update forces processes / settings back to something you don't want.

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all of the processes that aren't pictured on the task manager below it have tiny memory rates. This is a screenshot of post startup, when nothing else was running.
I'd look into disabling games launcher, unnecessary killer network processes, and malwarebytes as an always on process (unless you have the premium version). The free version of MBAM doesn't provide real-time protection anyway. Run a scan when you get worried about something.

I just reset my PC and prior to isntalling any of those, the RAM was messed up.
I just closed those processes and it's still sitting at 41% used ram when doing nothing haha

I was actually considering doing a 75% rebuild of my PC anyways. New CPU, Mobo, RAM, and GFX. This would for sure fix the problem right? definitely thinking it'd be nice to get a clean upgrade.
Get CCleaner, disable them as startup processes, and reboot to see a difference. Look at anything else in the startup list that can go (research them and decide, based on your own needs), scheduled tasks etc.

Also google around for things to disable, e.g. Windows10 tweaks. I'm on Windows 7, and it's not too bad, but it takes literally years to get a handle on your system, unless you focus on it daily, which is no fun. :)

I got into the habit for a couple of weeks of opening resmon at each boot, and getting used to what processes were there, and read up on what they did. Once the startup list is pared down, you can stop thinking about it, unless Windows update forces processes / settings back to something you don't want.