Video card ranking for you:
Taking into account not only raw framerates, but features, both present and future performance, etc...
18. Nvidia TnT2 = Rage 128
17. Geforce 256 = Geforce2 MX200 = Radeon SDR, LE
16. Radeon DDR = Geforce2MX 400
15. Geforce2 GTS
14. Radeon 7500 = Geforce4 MX
13. Geforce FX 5200 = Radeon 9200SE
12. Geforce3, Geforce3 Ti200 = GeforceFX 5200 = Radeon 9000, Radeon 9200
11. Geforce3 Ti500, GeforceFX 5200 ULTRA = Radeon 8500, Radeon 9100, Radeon 9000 PRO
10 Geforce FX 5600 = Radeon 9600SE
9. Geforce4 Ti4200 = Radeon 9500, Radeon 9600
8. Geforce4 Ti 4400, 4800SE, Geforce FX 5600 ULTRA r1
7. Geforce4 Ti 4600, Geforce4 Ti 4800, Geforce FX 5600 ULTRA r2 = Radeon 9800SE
6. Radeon 9600 PRO
5. Geforce FX 5700 ULTRA = Radeon 9500 PRO = Radeon 9600 XT
4. Geforce FX 5800 ULTRA = Radeon 9700
3. Geforce FX 5900 = Radeon 9700 PRO, Radeon 9800
2. Geforce FX 5900 ULTRA, 5950 ULTRA = Radeon 9800 PRO
1. Radeon 9800 XT
Radeon 9500 (hardmodded to PRO, o/c to 322/322)
AMD AthlonXP 2400+ (o/c to 2600+ with 143 fsb)
3dMark03: 4055