Proc: intel core 2 quad q6600 2.4hgz 1066mhz 8mb $199
Mobo: gigabyte ga-g31m-es2lmatx $59
Ram: kingston ddr2-800 2.0gb $29
optic sony opti ad-7241s-ob 24x $39
HD: west digi wd5000aaks 500gb 7200rpm 16mb sata2 $64
Vid: nvidia 9800gt 512mb $114
PS thermaltake PP v2.0 wo121ru 600w $ 84
case: cool master centurion 5 cac-to5-uw $ 59
+ 2 hours labor.
Now, what do you think of this setup or is the local place screwing me big time? not sure what I want to play with it but they say to go with Win 7 in sept so stick with xp for now, mainly a medium gamer... but whats your input, i'll link everything when i get off work later.
Mobo: gigabyte ga-g31m-es2lmatx $59
Ram: kingston ddr2-800 2.0gb $29
optic sony opti ad-7241s-ob 24x $39
HD: west digi wd5000aaks 500gb 7200rpm 16mb sata2 $64
Vid: nvidia 9800gt 512mb $114
PS thermaltake PP v2.0 wo121ru 600w $ 84
case: cool master centurion 5 cac-to5-uw $ 59
+ 2 hours labor.
Now, what do you think of this setup or is the local place screwing me big time? not sure what I want to play with it but they say to go with Win 7 in sept so stick with xp for now, mainly a medium gamer... but whats your input, i'll link everything when i get off work later.