95% memory usage while light usage?


Jul 16, 2014
For the last little while my pc has been pinged at around 95% memory usage while just using my browser and gaming is not possible even in low intensity game like league of legends as I get huge fps drops and while playing games and watching videos or live streams the BSOD sound plays for a second and my computer freezes then returns to normal. I have used anti malware software like Avast and Malware-bytes and they come up with nothing i'm not sure what to do and decided to check if anyone could lend me a kind hand.
chrome can use anything between 1gb and 1.5gb on my PC, just by having 4 tabs open. Chrome splits its tabs into different processes so there can be up to 11 chromes running at any time on my pc, and probably a lot more for people who use more tabs.

That behavior is pretty normal for Chrome, especially if you have add ons running.

Memory compression is Windows way of keeping programs you have run today resident in ram in case you want to load them again. Its far faster to decompress them in ram than to reopen them from ssd/hdd everytime. If you need the ram the compressed program is in, win 10 will move it to page file.

I got 8 GB of 1600 Mhz in dual Channel the rest is a Strix 980ti i5 4690k at 4.6 Ghz and a 1Tb Hdd

Ok, thanks

You should not be pegged at 95% ram with such light use as that. Have you tried "refreshing" windows? If you dont have any programs taht you cant easily reinstall, that is a easy way to try to clear up windows related errors. Your files will be left, and windows will reinstall.


if its still a problem, download process explorer: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/processexplorer.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396
its like an op version of task manager, can actually be used to replace it.
open it up, in view click "show process tree" and it will sort it by what is controlling what. look at private bytes as that is actual usage, see what is using ram'

this explains what colours mean: http://www.howtogeek.com/school/sysinternals-pro/lesson2/

its much faster than guessing - has a built in av scanner
chrome can use anything between 1gb and 1.5gb on my PC, just by having 4 tabs open. Chrome splits its tabs into different processes so there can be up to 11 chromes running at any time on my pc, and probably a lot more for people who use more tabs.

That behavior is pretty normal for Chrome, especially if you have add ons running.

Memory compression is Windows way of keeping programs you have run today resident in ram in case you want to load them again. Its far faster to decompress them in ram than to reopen them from ssd/hdd everytime. If you need the ram the compressed program is in, win 10 will move it to page file.