<A HREF="http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/other/display/20041126101213.html" target="_new"> 950W Power Supply Units Sneak into Market
<A HREF="http://www.sne-web.co.jp/fsrp950.htm" target="_new"> 950watt PSU! </A>
<font color=red><pre>\\//__________________________________
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>
<A HREF="http://www.sne-web.co.jp/fsrp950.htm" target="_new"> 950watt PSU! </A>
<font color=red><pre>\\//__________________________________
And the sign says "You got to have a membership card to get inside" Huh
So I got me a pen and paper And I made up my own little sign</pre><p></font color=red>