965 black vs i7 960


Feb 25, 2010
So, i was looking around newegg and originally i was gonna buy an intel, not anytime soon but after the 6 cores come out and lower the quad core prices. So i spotted an AMD x4 965 black edition 3.4ghz for way way cheaper. Now my last computer was an amd and i was fine with it. I always hear that intel is ahead in the CPU game but how far ahead?

Like is the intel here worth the extra 400 dollars?




now keep in mind im coming from a intel dual core 2.3 ghz. So either one of these is gonna be a huge upgrade. If i got the AMD i would overclock it to a safe 3.7ghz. So what do you think?
The i7 960 isn't worth the price over the Phenom II X4 965 BE, specially for gaming. You will see no benefit. If you want Intel, look at the i7 930 or i7 920 D0, which both are closer to the X4 965 in price.

However, the X4 955 C3 is the best budget work house CPU & the i5 750 is the best price to performance CPU you can purchase... IMO
ok well then ill go for the 965 BE, its not a bad price and i dont wanna spend 500+ on a CPU. I also would rather support AMD so they can get back on their feet though it wont make too much of a difference.