[SOLVED] 970 Evo 250gb M.2 vs 860 Evo 500gb

Dec 2, 2018
Hi guys.. i just bought everything i need for my build and i left with these two choices.. i found both of them at 80-82€ should i go for the m.2 but less storage or for the normal 2.5' ssd with more storage? Is this big of a difference of the m.2 speeds? Will i see a significant difference? My pc is for gaming movies and streaming.. noy editing or coping files etc..

Best regards
Concur, definately the larger capacity SSD over M.2 mate for a gamer. I have both in my system and will only buy SSD's from now on, M.2 Storage for the cost is a waste of money when an SSD does the same job for gaming mate.
Then the option with more storage is more for you it is only a significant difference when copying and tresfering files. Lanching program or games will be at the same speed because it depends more on the CPU then.
Concur, definately the larger capacity SSD over M.2 mate for a gamer. I have both in my system and will only buy SSD's from now on, M.2 Storage for the cost is a waste of money when an SSD does the same job for gaming mate.