970 overclock ?

After a few days now all my games but one work perfectly and run with no problems, the only game that causes the drivers or gpu to crash is Black ops 2 which is very surprising because its not that demanding and i think its a game problem more than anything because more demanding games like far cry 4 and bf4 run perfectly fine for hours. Any of you guys think its a game problem or its the gpu ?
Update - ive managed to get the core clock to +225 and +500 on the memory, my gpu now goes to 1578mhz and sometimes into the 1600 mhz on boost while staying below 70 degress (note it is very hot in my room) and the memory goes about 2000 Mhz in gpuz ! I tried +250 but it would begin to artifact and crash and so i halfed it to +225, it would probably work on +230 or 240 but It annoys me to leave it on them settings( im a little OCD) so +225 is fine for me !
