970 SLI Problems?


Sep 10, 2014
I've been urgently waiting to upgrade my PC with the 970 and I will SLI it soon after.

However yesterday I was talking with my fellow tech gurus and one of them mentioned a rumored problem with 970 SLI. He said they don't push out the full potential and he gave a % but I can't remember. I believe he might have said 10%.
He also didn't give which model.

Does anyone know of this? Google is failing me ):
I haven't heard of any single issue with SLI 970s outside of the normal issue with SLI in general - if games don't take advantage of multiple GPUs, you're pretty much just playing with one card. Some games eventually get SLI profiles soon after release if they don't at launch, but otherwise I can't think of any specific reason the 970s would work any differently in SLI than any other GPU.

Okay I was hoping that was the case. If no one can provide evidence proving otherwise I guess I have my solution.