970 Video card sag?


Feb 19, 2014
I'm working on my first build but I'm extremely terrified (probably more than i should be) of video card sagging to the point of damaging parts, so is a backplate really that important? whats the best overall gpu?

also I'm going for a 970, and I'm looking at the Asus STRIX gtx 970 and the MSI gtx 970 gaming golden edition. which one would be best?

backplate on motherboads are for grounding the mb to the case. if not you can get humming or other sounds over the sound card. most of the newer gpu like the asus ones are very power friendly. as long as you have a good unit and the wattage and amps rating on the 12v line is same or higher then what nvidia posts as min. you will be fine. gpu sip power intill your gaming. most vendors now put in power savings to declock gpu and cpu when lightly loaded.
backplate on motherboads are for grounding the mb to the case. if not you can get humming or other sounds over the sound card. most of the newer gpu like the asus ones are very power friendly. as long as you have a good unit and the wattage and amps rating on the 12v line is same or higher then what nvidia posts as min. you will be fine. gpu sip power intill your gaming. most vendors now put in power savings to declock gpu and cpu when lightly loaded.
Backplates serve several purposes:

1. Aesthetics
2. Keep dust of PCB Components
3. Heat dissipation (when used with thermal pads on VRMS, VRAM etc)
4. Structural stiffening

This article, if ya read the details on chokes, caps, power delivery, VRM phases, memory and VRAM / VRM cooling makes which one to pick obvious and explains why all the reviews show MSI (and Gigabyte) getting the highest overclocks.


Note that if aesthetics is an issue, MSI showed the 970s in numerous colors at CES and these should drop soon.

Every card sags with or without a backplate at the front corner away from the MoBo..... normally not an issue unless your anal (I resemble that remark) and require everything to be at perfect horizontal / vertical angles. I fashioned two corner support out of acrylic tube ... one for the "1st floor" and one for the "2nd floor". Feel free to license the design :)
