9700nonpro vs pro-worth extra $65?


Sep 24, 2001
Wondering some opinions on these cards.
So we have these budget cards I put together from pricewatch:

Radeon 9700 nonpro 128mb $215
Radeon 9700 Pro 128mb $280
Radeon 9800 128mb $244

I see the 9800 nonpro as the way to go for as the minimum upgrade to anyones system, I never felt any of the cards above even my GF3 until the 9700 release was a worthwhile upgrade.
Although for $250, the 9800 supposedly has better IQ than both 9700s and I would suspect is slightly slower than the 9700pro.

I wouldnt mind hearing your opinions concerning the negligible price differences.

Everquest 2 is coming out within a few months and I have two machines that need video cards, its my feeling that if one intends to play DX9 games then its a waste of money to purchase anything less than a 8pixel pipeline card.
Just not enough power otherwise.

Its nice though that NV is finally supporting the latest D3D with their entire line, hopefully other manufacturers will follow suit.

Athlon 1700+, Epox 8RDA (NForce2), Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB 8MB cache, 2x256mb Crucial PC2100 in Dual DDR, Geforce 3, Audigy, Z560s, MX500


Mar 30, 2003
Why would the 9800 be slower than the 9700p? Don't they have the same clocks? I heard that the 9800 and 9700P were almost identical in speed, except where the 9800's slightly updated hardware would give it the edge. Either way, I'd say each of the two more expensive would be the better deal, if you have the money.

These days, no matter what company you like, be it <b>nVidia, ATi, or whatever,</b> no matter how logical your reasons, you're labeled an <b>idiot</b> or a <b>fanboy</b>, or <b>both.</b>


Sep 24, 2001
I have the money I have a hard time justifying a video card above the $300 mark.
It also takes a killer game to get me to lay down $200+ flow on a card, reading about EQ2 has gotten me pumped.
The only [sadface] involved is I have multiple computers, I'm a cheapskate anyway but i have to buy two cards which makes things even more costly.
I'm building a 3rd computer also so I might need 3(!) for EQ2.. she might take one to her place to use and I still need to 2box in EQ (as the cost rises).

Yes we play EQ together, I finally got lucky. :smile:

Athlon 1700+, Epox 8RDA (NForce2), Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB 8MB cache, 2x256mb Crucial PC2100 in Dual DDR, Geforce 3, Audigy, Z560s, MX500


Feb 24, 2002
Kinney, EVERYTHING you said, was some of the STUPIDEST SH*T I have ever seen in my life! You are truly sad.

"Mice eat cheese." - Modest Mouse

"Every Day is the Right Day." -Pink Floyd


Sep 24, 2001
The only thing I like about you is that you say what you feel. But sometimes its not only unnecessary but out of line like your comments about Gorion in the rampage thread.

I reread my post and it is one of my more confusing posts, it could be taken as illogical in many respects such as promoting only 8pixel pipeline cards then out of nowhere commenting how i liked how nvidia was doing their latest line all supporting DX9 but nothing contradicts itself.
Point was, even though I prefer a 9700 or better card for upgrades (the lesser cards just arent enough jump in improvement) it will be nice to have more software that at least supports DX9 functions due to nvidias push.

I've never seen someone take posts so seriously, reacting so rashly.

Anyway, I'm not perfect and I hope you and whoever else in the rest of the world who is infallible can bake in your glory of perfection for the rest of your misguided, judgemental lives.
Have fun passing judgement on people while you might be completely wrong and lose out in the end.

Athlon 1700+, Epox 8RDA (NForce2), Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB 8MB cache, 2x256mb Crucial PC2100 in Dual DDR, Geforce 3, Audigy, Z560s, MX500


9800 non-pro is the way to go.

As fast as a 9700 PRO, but cheaper.

Radeon 9500 w/256 bit memory bus @ 367/310
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
3dMark03: 3439


Feb 24, 2002
Actually in some cases its NOT as fast! Cause the memory is clocked less. A little overclocking though, and problem solved.

"Mice eat cheese." - Modest Mouse

"Every Day is the Right Day." -Pink Floyd


Feb 24, 2002
How bout considering the 9700 Pro and 9800 non-pro to be BUDGET CARDS!!! How bout making the STUPID statement about a 9700 np being the LEAST to upgrade to? What if they have an 8mb PCI card? They would see a HUGE improvement to even a GF4MX 440!!! (which i would never recommend).

Get a clue.

Oh, and nVidia does not support DX9 in their whole line of cards... because the 5200 is too damn slow to ever really use it!

"Mice eat cheese." - Modest Mouse

"Every Day is the Right Day." -Pink Floyd


Sep 24, 2001
Well I do feel its the minimum from a GTS or better. A 9700 nonpro puts you in a while other eschelon of performance.. and its what is needed minimum (probably) for decent DX9 performance.
Anything less IMHO would be a waste of money.
I feel my investment in my GF3 has been kind of a waste personally, I almost couldve stuck with my old GTS and been fine up until now, I personally dont play any DX8 games continually... Max Payne being one of the few and it would work on a GTS, albeit at lower res.I had short stints with Sacrifice and Giants (both DX8 games) but I dont know if that justified my DX8 investment.
I have played MP on a GF2 Pro, worked great@1024x768.
I'm not a 'powergamer', I play games all the time but the games I play are not the ones with good gfx, but good gameplay.

Though the $200-300 might be silly to view as 'budget', they are IMO as anything less has such a short lifespan its well worth the extra $100 to get yourself something a little more uber, especially as you look at the huge rift between sub 9700 cards and 9700 and above. Its the 'lowest you should go', if your going to be blowing a hundred some anyway... you get a 9800 non pro for $240!
clue for you- its a, <b>good deal.</b>

You and I both know the 5200 does fully support DX9, while it may not be useful, in future cames possibly some of its features might be used to its advantage for performance increases, the stuff that slows it down, can be turned off.
For me, DX7 (GTS) was well worth it (Q3A/HL) but DX8 was not.. but with EQ2/WoW/Doom3/HL2, we've got some real killer apps coming out using DX9, and again, everyone will agree minimum recommended for any DX9 game would be 9700 or above, hence my recommendation to not waste money if you're buying today, you dimwitted dwarf.
Just seems to <b>me</b>, that DX8s lifespan consisted of 3dmark testing and controversy and tech demos being hacked by MIT students and a continuing arguing when no games caught my attention... I play mostly DX7/2D games.

edit- also wanted to add in that say someones going from a 2mb virge 3d or similar as you suggested, that even a gf4mx would be a worthy upgrade, I call bull**** on you there.

If a system has a 2mb s3 virge chip (which I wonder if you even know what that is), then the rest of the system isnt going to play DX8 let alone DX9 games effiecently, if at all.
And why would you upgrade such an old system now? You upgrade to play new games..
according to your logic, which is based on purely how large the arguemental qualities of your comments can be, I would be finding hundreds of users asking where they can upgrade their Pentium 133 with a faster Rendition Verite so they can speed up FX Fighter or maybe Duke Nukem 3D, since people that are still playing those games play in discontent for 5 years until the Hercules they'd had their eye on drops to $30...
now scurry on to another thread and find a clue douchebag.

Athlon 1700+, Epox 8RDA (NForce2), Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB 8MB cache, 2x256mb Crucial PC2100 in Dual DDR, Geforce 3, Audigy, Z560s, MX500<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by kinney on 07/31/03 10:44 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


Sep 24, 2001
No offense taken, I'm a newbie but I'm addicted to EQ, if you like RPG gameplay its got about what every RPG from 1975 until 2085 will have.
Im not a huge fan of SOE but EQ is up there with Half Life and Doom on the richter scale of gaming phenomenons.

Athlon 1700+, Epox 8RDA (NForce2), Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB 8MB cache, 2x256mb Crucial PC2100 in Dual DDR, Geforce 3, Audigy, Z560s, MX500


Jul 16, 2003
In my view if you take 2 cents worth of Willamette_Sucks infor you be in the hole by three cents.But I give him credit he sure has a way to stink up a thread.



Dec 16, 2002
I've tested them both on the SAME PC

9800np 13600 3D marks 2001SE ($290.00)@ 46.3 3D marks/$.
9800pro 156003D marks 2001SE.($374.00)@ 41.7 3D marks/$.

So the 9800np is a better deal the 9800pro is faster. Nuff said.



Apr 27, 2003
a little change it topic but umm if you play other games besides eq i think you will leave eq in a heartbeat. So many have.


May 16, 2003
Oh, and nVidia does not support DX9 in their whole line of cards... because the 5200 is too damn slow to ever really use it!
Your complaint would be valid IF the competition (ATi) had DX9 support in its low-end card (the 9200), and that DX9 support was faster. It seems you are just upset that nVidia has one thing ATi doesn't: a DX9 card for about $60.

Complaining about slow DX9 in the low-end, when the competition doesn't even <i>have</i> DX9 in that low-end, is kind of stupid.


Sep 24, 2001
Actually its almost the social element to EQ that seems appealing, but my g/f got me started and I enjoy playing with her. :smile:

Athlon 1700+, Epox 8RDA (NForce2), Maxtor Diamondmax Plus 9 80GB 8MB cache, 2x256mb Crucial PC2100 in Dual DDR, Geforce 3, Audigy, Z560s, MX500