98/ME/2000 best browser 2018?

Feb 23, 2018
After using very outdated firefox browsers on all my 9x/nt systems for a number of years I now wonder if there is a better alternative.
Would love to try out any suggestions !
I don't know if this helps but long ago probably was 2015, I tried to run a 98se rig and found that many websites such as yahoo.com have blocked IE6 the last browser from Microsoft that worked with 98 and I attempted to find another browser Firefox I think you can only use version 2.0 which does not work well either, the only solution I found was to run Netscape Navigator 9 the last version it was the only browser I found that could open certain websites under win98se however it also does not work with Yahoo.com or the Navigator's default website, but if you set your homepage to google.com it will load google and allow searching of the web but otherwise it's not possible to use it and it only works with some websites, but I never tried...
I don't know if this helps but long ago probably was 2015, I tried to run a 98se rig and found that many websites such as yahoo.com have blocked IE6 the last browser from Microsoft that worked with 98 and I attempted to find another browser Firefox I think you can only use version 2.0 which does not work well either, the only solution I found was to run Netscape Navigator 9 the last version it was the only browser I found that could open certain websites under win98se however it also does not work with Yahoo.com or the Navigator's default website, but if you set your homepage to google.com it will load google and allow searching of the web but otherwise it's not possible to use it and it only works with some websites, but I never tried it with YouTube.

How did you get online anyway with windows 98se? does your PC have USB Ports under 98se? The only way I have done it with success is through a Virtual Machine, such as Windows Virtual PC. Also I do not have a Win98 capable Computer that has USB Ports.
@rappterd: I have a PCIe gigabit-network-card in my PC, with drivers for w98se. Works like a charm. There are about seven modern chipsets for network-components that have drivers for W98SE, so it is just a matter of finding them. WLAN can be a hassle, but therefore there are LAN-based small accesspoints (i.e. see here: https://msfn.org/board/topic/176582-wireless-n-pci-for-win98se/?tab=comments#comment-1137062 ).

And many more modern NICs work with their DOS-drivers, see here:

Generally, a good list of compatible hardware is here:
I have not ever wrapped my head around using a LAN or WLAN to connect to a network, is over my head. I have had thoughts if one had a really old USB Wireless Modem and a Win98 PC that has Usb as some devices are supported under 98, and one could find a compatible win98 Wifi Driver, you would have it made.. I do have a P4 Machine with WinXP that has a Support Only PCIe 16x like slot and one PCIe 1x slot, it has drivers for windows 2000 but not Windows 98.

I don't have a Win98 PC that has PCIe either my one PC just has PCI Slots. I have thought of installing 98se on my XP Machine but the one problem is it uses Sata Hard Drives only and even XP has to be patched to install on SATA Drives so I probably need a controller card.

or is there a way to install 98se on a SATA Hard Drive?

I'll take a look at what you suggested my P4 seems to make the list, but probably needs a controller card.


I am sorry for high jacking your post.
Your problem is finally solved :)

Go to my blog and follow the instructions!
Windows 98SE or ME instructions

  • Install KernelEx
    Follow instructions to incorporate KernelEx updates
    Obtain K-Meleon 9x Edition
    Unzip K-Meleon 9x
    Right click on K-Meleon 9x, then set compatibility to Windows 2000 SP4 otherwise the program won't start!
If Windows 2000, Palemoon or K-Meleon for Windows 2000 will work just fine :)

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