98 Plus vs. 98SE


Apr 5, 2001
Heres my situation i know i want windows 98. I can get 98 plus for free. But i would have to buy second edition for $90. Is it wroth it? are there any big differences?

<font color=green>I can draw tyte give me the damn crayon!</font color=green>
or if i was going to buy 98se would it be worth it? or should i just get 2000?

<font color=green>I can draw tyte give me the damn crayon!</font color=green>
Win98SE has the majority of the updates needed for the operating system, and it is more stable than the original version. You COULD download nearly all of the bug fixes and install them, which would amount to about the same thing, but it might take you a while ... unless you have broadband.

If what you are looking at is an upgrade CD, just remember that you can't use it to install the OS on a freshly formatted partition.

I'm not exactly sure that you mean by Win98 "Plus", unless that is referring to the standard plus package, which is nothing but a bunch of desktop themes, cursors, .wav files, etc. That comes with the full version of Win98SE, in any case.

Win2K will cost you about 3 times more than the Win98SE upgrade. I think it is worth it, but if you are tight on cash, 98SE is the right move.


<font color=purple>If there was a reason for everything, having faith would be redundant.</font color=purple>
So if i installed 98 Plus i could download everything else?

<font color=green>I can draw tyte give me the damn crayon!</font color=green>
I'm confused. I thought 98 Plus was some add on software (themes and games) that you install on a computer that already has Windows 98 installed?
Windows 98 the OS only comes in First Edition or Second Edition, as far as I know.

Oh, and you can actually do a fresh install with an upgrade disk, if you have a Windows 95 disk hanging around. I do it all the time. All you do is format, then start out by running setup from the 98SE disk, and then it will prompt you to put in your 95 disk as "proof that you are eligible for the upgrade edition." Once it verifies, you put the 98 disk back in and it will install.

<i>I don't know anything about computers... but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night...</i> :lol:
damnit! i already bought the full install for second edition well its not my money

<font color=green>I can draw tyte give me the damn crayon!</font color=green>