980 Fans stop


Jan 8, 2015
I've just completed my first build and even though I say completed I mean, I think it's finished at least. I put together all my components which are:

EVGA Supernova 1000w
EVGA GTX 980 Superclocked
Cooler master hyper EVO 212
Inte i7-58200K LGA2011V3
COrsair vengeance LPX DDR4 4x4gb
MSi x99s SLI plus

I also have a samsung ssd 840 evo 500g but ive not installed into the build since its instructed to install the software first.

As soon as i press the power button on my pc all the fans turn on but 20 or so seconds after boot the 980 fans stop working. I also hooked the pc up to a monitor just for testing the image but the monitor does not recognize that it's connected to the pc.

Im not entirely sure what causes it. My suspicions are i've set up the cabling to the 980 wrong or something's wrong with my processor.

Any help with the issue would be appreciated

thank you
Don't you have a hybrid fan profile? If the card is idle some cards just stop the fan to not make any noise.

If someone could confirm that this particular cards has this hybrid profile would be nice.

You can just launch a 3d app to see if they spin up.

That's not the main problem im unable to even boot up windows since no image is displayed on my monitor, jsut for reference i've tried 2 different monitors 1 being an Asus vg248 and another a really old q201wb so i don't think the monitor is the problem

It is for sure not your processor. I think that you just may need to update all your drivers for the 980 and if that doesn't fix the problem. Download a fan controlling software, since it is your GPU you can use MSI afterburner just use the fan control built into the software if that doesn't work go through and carefully make sure that all the wires on the cord are plugged into the correct locations.

The main issue is im unable to get an image on my monitor so i can't even boot windows up.

I'm sorry I skipped the part with the monitor. So let's start from the start.

Does the windows begin to load are it freezes up on post screen?
What cable are u using to connect to the gpu?
Do you get an image at all?
Can you enter bios?
I have the EVGA 980 ACX 2.0 in SLI. (Need to update my sig) If they are under a certain temperature, the fans will not spin. As for no picture on the monitor, did you connect the cable to the top video card? In SLI, usually the top card is the main card.
Simplify and isolate.

Remove all but one stick of memory - Remove your hard drives (at least the power). Essentially keep only the MB, CPU, Video card plugged into the PSU.

Connect to a monitor and power up. If you do not get output on the monitor you have just removed a number of items from consideration to issolate the issue. If you DO get output - then the issue was likely with something you removed. Add components and re-test. Eventually you should have either issolated the issue or even resolved it (if it were a faulty connection to power or such).

Also - if you have video on the MB - go ahead and remove the card and verify the CPU, Memory and MB.

Take a systematic approach and try to issolate the issue. Once you issolate the issue you can focus on the remediation.


Im aactually not using 2 video cards i only purchased sli because i plan on adding another 980 when the need arises.

Oooops, I misread. Sorry about that


Windows does not start up, all i see on my monitor is a disconnected message. The cables im using to connected the gpu to the psu are the ones provided with the psu a 6 pin connected to the psu and 2 6 pins connected to the gpu.