I'm looking to upgrade from my old ATI HD5870 GPU to either the GTX 980 or 980ti. The 970 is out of the question as I don't like how it handles the 3.5-4gb memory and don't want a card that is only JUST capable that will be struggling 2 years down the line I like to build for the long haul my current PC has done me fine for 5 years. Not currently planning to game at 4k, maybe 1440p but if I want to go the 4k route am I better to wait for at least next gen GPUs? as it looks like the 980ti is barely 4k capable. I want a card that will last another 4-5 years while maintaining food fps on good graphical detail in games. As I am finishing university and soon to enter work I doubt I'll have as much disposable income so I want something that'll last as who knows when I'll be able to drop big money on such a luxury in the future *sigh*