980 or titan x for 1440p


Apr 13, 2015
Just to be clear I am not looking for 4k. I am just wanting 1440p for now. I keep seeing benchmarks showing gtx 980 running pretty well on 1440p aside from crisis and metro which I have no intention on playing. I Will get the titan x if need be but I don't see the point in dishing out an extra 500 bucks if 980 ftw superclocked will do just fine on most games.

If you are referring to the link I provided, those tests are at stock.

As for getting the 980 only to sell and get the 990 - to each their own, but I'd never upgrade my card to one of the same series, definitely not one step up. I could never justify the cost. You'd be better off skipping the 980 and getting two 970s for SLI if your PSU supports it.

Hes better off getting a 980. Because for one thing it destroys a 290x, the other thing is he can SLI later two of them for even better performance than the Titan X at 4k (If he plans on it).

If you are referring to the link I provided, those tests are at stock.

As for getting the 980 only to sell and get the 990 - to each their own, but I'd never upgrade my card to one of the same series, definitely not one step up. I could never justify the cost. You'd be better off skipping the 980 and getting two 970s for SLI if your PSU supports it.
Ah I got ya. About the 990 I'm very new to pc gaming and this is my first build. I didn't know 1 card to the next had very little improvement. So I'll get 980 then let sli become stable and sli it. Then when the time calls for it get whatever single card outperforms it
The 980 doesnt destroy a r9 290X @ 1440p. It's indisputably ahead, but they are close. AMD just does great things with their cards for hi res gaming. And for the price its a far, far better deal for xfired 290Xs costing $45 more. The 980 is stupid expensive, and the titan is even worse performance for your dollar. OP seems to care somewhat for cost so it is worth pointing out.

It does actually benchmark (which you can find yourself) show even the 970 beating a 290x.


Still beats it at 1440p I couldn't find the chart that I saw had it though. The 980 is way ahead of the 290x regardless.

Don't be so quick to assume that it scales the same in 1440p hippo.

http://www.hardocp.com/article/2014/09/18/nvidia_maxwell_gpu_geforce_gtx_980_video_card_review/11#.VTfRvf4cTOQ 980 faster by 1.7 FPS

http://www.hardocp.com/article/2014/09/18/nvidia_maxwell_gpu_geforce_gtx_980_video_card_review/10#.VTfR9f4cTOQ 290X faster by 1.9 FPS (misleading, 290x had 2x msaa vs 4x on the 980)

http://www.hardocp.com/article/2014/09/18/nvidia_maxwell_gpu_geforce_gtx_980_video_card_review/9#.VTfSaf4cTOQ 980 faster by 1.6 FPS

http://www.hardocp.com/article/2014/09/18/nvidia_maxwell_gpu_geforce_gtx_980_video_card_review/8#.VTfSkf4cTOQ 980 faster by 6.9 FPS

http://www.hardocp.com/article/2014/09/18/nvidia_maxwell_gpu_geforce_gtx_980_video_card_review/7#.VTfSwf4cTOQ 980 faster by 4.8 FPS

When you crank the resolution they DO play in the same league. To most people, that framerate difference isn't worth paying nearly twice as much.