980 ti downclocking problem


May 7, 2015
I have two 980 ti's in two different rigs.

One is a evga ftw card and another is a msi card.

My ftw card is fine. The issue I am having is with my msi card. How come it downclocks at even 61c? My ftw card doesnt do this.

I have two computers. One has a ftw 980 ti and one has a msi 980 ti. The ftw card doesn't downclock at all during benchwarks and what not. The msi card will downclock at stock settings soon as it hits 61c.

Both cards have the same settings in nvidia control panel. The ftw card is powered by a 750w psu. The msi card is powered by a 860w psu.

Temp limit is set all the way to the right in afterburner so 91c.

It has stock bios.