980 Ti gets hot 60fps. High fan curve. Help?


Aug 23, 2015

So my GPU gets in the 75C+ range on certain games even though I get and am capped at 60fps. Overwatch on Ultra is usually 70-78C, even though I can run it 90 or 110+ fps, but I keep it on 60. On Skyrim with all my mods, I'm running at 60fps, but sometimes 80-84C. In these cases where I'm 75-84C, my fan curve in afterburner is aggressive and the GPU fan speed is 80-95%. So in these certain games, it's those temps WITH an aggressive fancurve. Cable management is good.

It would be nice to be cooler with less GPU fan speed, especially since I get a good framerate. The only thing I can think of is get a different card. I'll list my card and etc. I don't overclock. I don't believe my room or placement is an issue and I already checked for dust. Is this particular card known to run hot, or does anyone know what I can do to help? Thanks

GPU: MSI GTX 980 Ti https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127902
CPU: Intel i7 4790k w/ Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO (Always in the 60Cs)
PSU: EVGA G2 Full Mod Gold 750w
Case: NZXT Phantom Full ATX https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146079
Your Overwatch temps aren't actually that bad; the 980Ti is rated for up to 91 degrees before it freaks out and shuts down, I believe.

About the only thing left to try is to reapply the thermal paste on the card.
Is this new for you? Has it always been like this? Or have temps only jumped up recently/over time?

When was the last time you cleaned out the dust from your PC? A can of compressed air is worth having around. If you give all the heatsyncs a blast from time to time the clear any dust it can make a massive difference to temps.

There could be other issues too, but that's a simple fix and worth doing anyway.
Forgot to mention that there's no dust, sorry. I checked recently. It's always been like this.

Your Overwatch temps aren't actually that bad; the 980Ti is rated for up to 91 degrees before it freaks out and shuts down, I believe.

About the only thing left to try is to reapply the thermal paste on the card.