So my GPU gets in the 75C+ range on certain games even though I get and am capped at 60fps. Overwatch on Ultra is usually 70-78C, even though I can run it 90 or 110+ fps, but I keep it on 60. On Skyrim with all my mods, I'm running at 60fps, but sometimes 80-84C. In these cases where I'm 75-84C, my fan curve in afterburner is aggressive and the GPU fan speed is 80-95%. So in these certain games, it's those temps WITH an aggressive fancurve. Cable management is good.
It would be nice to be cooler with less GPU fan speed, especially since I get a good framerate. The only thing I can think of is get a different card. I'll list my card and etc. I don't overclock. I don't believe my room or placement is an issue and I already checked for dust. Is this particular card known to run hot, or does anyone know what I can do to help? Thanks
GPU: MSI GTX 980 Ti https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127902
CPU: Intel i7 4790k w/ Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO (Always in the 60Cs)
PSU: EVGA G2 Full Mod Gold 750w
Case: NZXT Phantom Full ATX https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146079
So my GPU gets in the 75C+ range on certain games even though I get and am capped at 60fps. Overwatch on Ultra is usually 70-78C, even though I can run it 90 or 110+ fps, but I keep it on 60. On Skyrim with all my mods, I'm running at 60fps, but sometimes 80-84C. In these cases where I'm 75-84C, my fan curve in afterburner is aggressive and the GPU fan speed is 80-95%. So in these certain games, it's those temps WITH an aggressive fancurve. Cable management is good.
It would be nice to be cooler with less GPU fan speed, especially since I get a good framerate. The only thing I can think of is get a different card. I'll list my card and etc. I don't overclock. I don't believe my room or placement is an issue and I already checked for dust. Is this particular card known to run hot, or does anyone know what I can do to help? Thanks
GPU: MSI GTX 980 Ti https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127902
CPU: Intel i7 4790k w/ Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO (Always in the 60Cs)
PSU: EVGA G2 Full Mod Gold 750w
Case: NZXT Phantom Full ATX https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146079