980 ti Shortage?


Mar 10, 2015
I was browsing around the internet looking at gpu prices just for "poops & giggles". I couldn't help but to notice that the 980 ti, at least the best versions of it, are sold out at all 3 of my usual stores. Lets just call them "M", "A" and "N" for short 😉. Though I wasn't buying one personally, I bet that's uber frustrating for someone that saved up and could finally get one. Is the 980 ti really selling like hotcakes, or is the manufacturers just not make enough? Are people just not interested in the lower clocked, cheaper versions top tier cards. For example, at "A" snd "N", the EVGA 980 ti Classified and Hybrid are sold out, but not the Superclocked+(SC+). Looks like "M" finally got some in, but only the Superclocked version, not even the "+". Anyone know what is the deal with this?

That part id priceless.

Not many at a certain [strike]Ottawa[/strike](what the hell was I thinking) BC based US/Canadian retailer either. The Canadian chicken embryo protective shell related site seems to have some still(but still some out of stock).

They are also a rather large core so maybe the yields are not as high yet.