9800 GTX+ Gaming upgrade

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Feb 4, 2012
I have a budget range from about $220 - $280.

This setup is for gaming. Straight up. Maybe a movie here or there, some homework, but that's about it. Pure gaming otherwise. It's kind of a budget build, but I have some extra cash to throw towards a graphics card.

Currently, I am running a 9800 GTX+ with this PSU: (OCZ ModXStream Pro 600W Modular High Performance Power Supply)

Mobo: MSI Z77A-G41
CPU: i5 3570k
RAM: G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB)

Have no interest in O/C'ing anything at the moment, might look into SLI or Crossfire later. Really just wanting a good stable single card at the moment.

My monitor's native resolution is 1440x900

I have ALWAYS used Nvidia since I started messing with computers, but I am not really biased to them. I have just always stuck with the known. I'm not scared to go with AMD build, as long as it is the best compatible for my rig's performance. I've heard good things about the 7870 LE, as well as the 660ti. I'm going to go ahead and guess that those two will be highly recommended, I just need some good advice as to which(if it's those two) would indeed be better for my rig!
Thanks ahead of time!

Also... is it best to stick with one name brand? Like MSI Graphics Card for the MSI mobo? I know name brand and architecture are two different things lol
If you plan on sticking with your current monitor you shouldn't need a lot of graphics card power at 1440 x 900. Probably something in the 650 TI or an HD 7850 with 1 GB of memory. If you think you may upgrade to a better monitor in the near future then I'd lean toward a 660 TI or an HD 7870.

Like several have already stated I'd try and upgrade to at least a 1080 monitor.

Good luck with whatever you choose.


Aug 27, 2008

1080 is not great when you consider the pixel density that cheap phones and tablets achieve now, but unfortunately it is the best you can get for a reasonable price as a desktop monitor atm.
AMD has a lot of great value offers at the time of speaking, which could be linked to the fact that we might soon see new GPU series. Radeon 7870, 7950, 7970 you name it.

The only GPU I would recommend by Nvidia is the GTX 670.

http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/gaming-graphics-card-review,review-32611-5.html - Recommended by Tomshardware.

It comes with boost which overclocks the GPU without you need to do anything. Example - My GTX 670 is clocked at 915, boost is clocked at 980. But the funny thing is that it boosts all the way to 1097.4 when in need of performance.

http://gpuz.techpowerup.com/13/01/28/6gs.png - Look at the default clock.

http://gpuz.techpowerup.com/13/01/28/7bz.png - Now look at the actual clock

I know your resolution isn't the highest and won't need the best GPU to get ultra details in a lot of the latest games. But just in case that you would like to upgrade your screen it would be a great option.

Radeon 7850 1 GB would actually be sufficient, but why settle for less? ;)

I just hope you're going to decide soon! :)



Aug 27, 2008
Trouble with current AMD cards is you need much higher FPS to avoid noticeable stuttering than you do with Nvidia equivalents, which means they end up being worse value for money (see http://techreport.com/gpu/ for competent GPU reviews).


Aug 27, 2008

They're the only site with a testing methodology that could pick up said issue.


Mar 4, 2010
If you plan on sticking with your current monitor you shouldn't need a lot of graphics card power at 1440 x 900. Probably something in the 650 TI or an HD 7850 with 1 GB of memory. If you think you may upgrade to a better monitor in the near future then I'd lean toward a 660 TI or an HD 7870.

Like several have already stated I'd try and upgrade to at least a 1080 monitor.

Good luck with whatever you choose.


Feb 4, 2012

Not really struggling with any thing in particular. I just want an upgraded system as, before the new cpu and stuff, I was running a 4 year old system. Trying to replace stuff before it fails, and trying to get a decent rig going for another several years.

Thanks for the advice guys, I'm going to probably go with the 660ti or the 7870, because I do plan on upgrading my monitor to a 1080, who'd pass that up?

Thanks for all the info again!
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