Circuit City called me today and told me that my special ordered Radeon 9800 non pro wasn't in stock at any stores, and not even at the main warehouses. They did not believe they were going to get anymore in, which is why they had the 100 dollar instant rebate special on them while for example the 5900 non pro geforce card is 299.99 with a mail in rebate instead. Like I told you all before, 200 is my exact price range.. and the radeon 9800 i paid for was 215 after tax so I guess I need to find a replacement card. They have the 9600 XT in stock.. should I go with that? Or do you think something else would be better? I saw 9700 pro for 250..maybe it was a non pro! i forget. but thats a little bit out of my price range. I just cant spare it. but how much better is that then the 9600 XT?