9800 PRO IceQ not performing


Feb 17, 2002
I have recently purchased a HIS Excalibur Radeon 9800 PRO IceQ 128 mb DDR graphics card. I am woried about its performance. In GLXS it only scored around 2,000 when my friends g4 MX440 on a slightly better computer, scored over 4,000. I only get an average of 60 fps, going as low as 30 fps, on MOHAA This is on medium settings eg. no AA, no V-Sync and no AF in resolution of 1024*768. Even in CS 1.6 it went down to 30 fps. What is going on here, i mean its a 9800 PRO, shouldnt I be getting much better performance? Iv'e tried different drivers(new and old), changing the settings on the card(AA+AF and quality settings),changing the aperture size, and AGP fast write. I know my PC isnt exactly brand new and "top of the range" but i was expecting something better. I've seen many reviews of the card, and all are good, so can anyone make a suggestion? Any help would be greatly apreciated, thanks.

Here are my specs:
Win XP
AMD Athlon XP 1800
512 mb SDRAM
HIS RADEON 9800 PRO 128 mb IceQ (just upgraded from G4MX440)
MB=Shuttle AK32 4x AGP (thats all i know)

Gradual movement of mouse over to "My Computer". Tension building...Double click...
<b>turn off</b> AA & AF, and re-benchmark. How do your games play fool?

<A HREF="http://rmitz.org/AYB3.swf" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2106920" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
Have you just changed over from an Nvidia card to an ATI based card ? if so, you will need ot ensure that all of the Nvidia driver remnants have been removed and the only way to be sure of this is to use a program such as driver cleaner. (aprt from a fresh install of windows that is) Next ensure that u are using the latest chipset drivers, for Via there the Hypernion drivers over at their site if not tehn whomever makes your board will have on there site the name of the chipset manufacturer for your rig. Go to the chipset makers site for your Drivers, the ones at your MoBo makers site are generally older versions. Next, make sure that you have the latest ATI drivers installed and then try again. I would bet that the prob lies with old driver remnants, and then the chipset.

I have a 9800 pro and my scores are considerably higher (bigger chip for 1 reason) but you should be able to get a lot more than that out of it. The card is a dream and you will enjoy it once it's setup properly.


<font color=red>AMD 2700 XP<font color=red>
<font color=red>Gecube 9800 pro Extreme<font color=red>
<font color=blue>ASUS A7N8X deluxe<font color=blue>
<font color=blue>1024 meg Dual Channel DDR 3200<font color=blue>
as an afterthought, are you running SP1 with XP ? the drivers require it along with DX 9.


<font color=red>AMD 2700 XP<font color=red>
<font color=red>Gecube 9800 pro Extreme<font color=red>
<font color=blue>ASUS A7N8X deluxe<font color=blue>
<font color=blue>1024 meg Dual Channel DDR 3200<font color=blue>
FYI, You don't need SP1 to run the latest catalyst driver.

Asus A7N8X Deluxe, Xp 2500+(3200+), 512MB RAM, HIS Radeon 9500Pro
I stand corrected about SP1, I thought I had read somewhere that it required it, oh thats right, on their web page it states..

"ATI recommends Windows XP Service Pack 1 or higher to be installed."

I guess thats what had me fooled.......


<font color=red>AMD 2700 XP<font color=red>
<font color=red>Gecube 9800 pro Extreme<font color=red>
<font color=blue>ASUS A7N8X deluxe<font color=blue>
<font color=blue>1024 meg Dual Channel DDR 3200<font color=blue>
Well, thanks alot for all your advice. I have uninstalled the Nvidia driver for my G4MX440 but perhaps there are still some remnants of it. O well, I felt like a re-format anyway. Maybe I'll try that out.
p.s. I'm pretty sure I do have SP1.


Gradual movement of mouse over to "My Computer". Tension building...Double click...
Nvidia drivers tend to hang about on your system even after you uninstalled them, a reformat is the BEST way to clean out all the junk..driver cleaner works, but nothing beats a fresh install.


<font color=red>AMD 2700 XP<font color=red>
<font color=red>Gecube 9800 pro Extreme<font color=red>
<font color=blue>ASUS A7N8X deluxe<font color=blue>
<font color=blue>1024 meg Dual Channel DDR 3200<font color=blue>
Hi, i seem to have a similar CPU as you. (See specs)
i think that the main problem hindering ur performance is that you are not using DDR ram, that can kill alot of performance. (i think.) Im using 384 DDR ram and A R9600 pro, i get much better performance than u.
MOHAA settings all full, 4xAA/8xAF at 40+ fps constant. (1074x768)
CS 1.6 at Full AA/ Full AF at 12k reslolution 90+ fps constant.

Athlon XP 1800+ 1.52ghz
Gigabyte GA-7VKML
Powercolour R9600pro Bravo @ 500/350
128+256 DDR266
Maxtor 20gb 7200rpm 2mb, WD 40gb 5400rpm 2mb
Creative SB Live! 5.1 Digital
Well here I am after a reformat and a fresh install of WinXP, and I must say that my score in GLXS is now much better. Before, I used to get just over 2,000 points, but now I'm getting over 10,000. So thanks alot guys for your help. There is however one more thing. That is that I still get relatively low (but playable)fps in game. I suppose the next step is to try DDR RAM, but for now I'm happy.

Thanks again :)

<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by stephen_c on 02/29/04 09:02 AM.</EM></FONT></P>
well I get 14000 in GLXS, but i have a 2700XP chip and DDR ram with the same card so an upgrade in the future will help it along as well.


<font color=red>AMD 2700 XP<font color=red>
<font color=red>Gecube 9800 pro Extreme<font color=red>
<font color=blue>ASUS A7N8X deluxe<font color=blue>
<font color=blue>1024 meg Dual Channel DDR 3200<font color=blue>
GLXS? what's that?

<A HREF="http://arc.aquamark3.com/arc/arc_view.php?run=745781941" target="_new">http://arc.aquamark3.com/arc/arc_view.php?run=745781941</A>
43k mark. 85 dollars went a long way.
GL Excess is a benchmarking program for 3d cards, not as good as aquamark and 3dmarks 2001se but it's OK.

<font color=red>AMD 2700 XP<font color=red>
<font color=red>Gecube 9800 pro Extreme<font color=red>
<font color=blue>ASUS A7N8X deluxe<font color=blue>
<font color=blue>1024 meg Dual Channel DDR 3200<font color=blue>
GL Excess is an OpenGL benchmark. OpenGL benchmarks are hard to find these days.

<A HREF="http://rmitz.org/AYB3.swf" target="_new">All your base are belong to us.</A>
<A HREF="http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k3=2106920" target="_new"><b>3DMark03</b></A>
thats what I meant to say, but incompetance prevented me..

Gary. :)

<font color=red>AMD 2700 XP<font color=red>
<font color=red>Gecube 9800 pro Extreme<font color=red>
<font color=blue>ASUS A7N8X deluxe<font color=blue>
<font color=blue>1024 meg Dual Channel DDR 3200<font color=blue>