9800GTX+ SLI or 280 GTX


Jun 30, 2009
Hey everyone, I have a decision I just can't seem to decide on...

To begin, I currently have an EVGA 9800 GTX+ SSC graphics card, but would like to upgrade to SLI, or to a 280 GTX.

The rest of my system's specs are as follows:

E8400 CPU @ 3.6GHZ
EVGA 780i SLI motherboard
A 700 or 750W PSU I took from an old Gateway PC I had

The reason I'm asking this question about the cards is because I discovered at tigerdirect.ca, an EVGA 9800 GTX + SSC selling for $250, and a vanilla EVGA 280 GTX is going for $260. Seeing as how they're both almost the same price, I made a short list of pros and cons based on other discussions I've read on forums about the same topic.



- Slightly better performance than a single 280 GTX from what I've read
- Slightly cheaper
- I have an SLI motherboard, might as well put it to good use?


- less memory than the 280 GTX (I play on a 19" monitor at 1440 x 900 resolution, so I'm guessing memory isn't too big of a deal, but I was wondering if memory has anything to do with anti-aliasing performance in games, because if so, then that could make a difference)
- more complicated SLI set up, not all games support SLI, and I've heard of microstuttering problems and the like

280 GTX


- more memory
- simpler single card set-up
- if necessary, I could add another 280 later on, possibly for even cheaper than it is now


- Slightly more expensive
- Little less performance

So even after weighing the pros and cons for each card, I still can't come up with a winner, so I'm asking if any of you could give me a hand in making a decision. :)


Apr 1, 2009

Agreed. First, $250 for a 9800 GTX+ is about $125 too much. Definitely not worth it, plus as stated your monitor is not going to be able to take advantage of the SLI.

GTX 275s are dropping in price. You can get one for $200 to $220 off newegg with free shipping, plus a $20 mail in rebate. Sell your old card and monitor and use the $50 you save plus those funds towards upgrading your monitor to one that supports 1920x1200 resolution.


Also, when the time comes, you can add a 2nd GTX 275, and voila, you effectively have a GTX 295 for $100+ less.

At that price, he should get 2 X GTX260...

Sincerely, at that resolution, he doesn't need another card. My 8800 GTX OC was way enough and maxing about everything except Crysis and GTA4.


Plus, you don't want to use an old unknown PSU from Gateway in an SLI rig... liable to take out your nice new GPUs.

I just had to replace a one year old non name brand PSU today. Fortunately, it gave me about 5 warnings of random shut downs and a suddenly loud chattering fan and hot hot to the touch housing....


Jun 30, 2009
Haha ouch, no kidding.

But thanks for all the advice, I didn't even consider the other cards. All the prices I gave in my original post were in canadian dollars though haha, will come out to be a bit more than the american prices in the links.

Still, I think I'll end up going with the single 200 series card, what with my lowish resolution and all, and if I do end up saving some money by selling my current card (ebay?), I'll put it towards getting a less questionable PSU :D

(Can't replace the monitor, it's a wonderful gift from my girlfriend haha).