980ti + i5 4690k reference cooler OR 980/970 + i54690k with aio coooler

Do you already have the CPU? if not , i would go with a non K processor and cheaper mobo and put the $ into 980ti and a sweet 27 or 32" 1440p monitor.

ie.. put $ where it counts, the monitor and GPU
Oops didnt mean to select best answer...
I dont have the CPU already but the k version is actually cheaper on amazon atm.
I dont know if I plan on overclocking, not sure if its worth the effort for the performance gain

i wouldnt bother, just use the reference for now. it comes with it anyway. If you weant you can always upgrade the cooler if youre going to overclock.

Get the 980ti and upgrade that monitor, pronto.

Think thats what I'll do. Do you know if it is easy to switch cpu coolers out? Never done it, always used pre applied etc