980ti SLI Not Working Properly


Apr 7, 2015
Ok, I am having a fairly strange issue. My SLI appears to not be working.

I have 2 980ti's in sli, and when I go into the Nvidia control panel and enable it, it says its working. However, performance in games says otherwise. In fallout 4, I get only a 5 fps increase in sli, and a 0 fps increase in Star citizen and other games. I opened up GPU-Z to see what was going on, and with SLI enabled, it was showing that while one gpu was being used 80-90 percent, the other was being used less than 5% in all cases. Disabling and re-enabling SLI yielded the same results.

At this point I have no clue what to do, all of the drivers for nvidia are up to date. Also curiously in star citizen, gpu-z showed that the second graphics card memory usage was the same as the other one, but that the GPU itself was not working.

Any help would be great, thanks.
That is simply as a result of poor SLI scaling, which in Star Citizen (given that it isn't a full release yet) is fully expected.
Fallout 4 is one of those iffier titles which I believe you have to fiddle around in to get a better SLI result, in addition to maybe a driver rollback, have a poke around.
Try it in something like Civ 5 or The Witcher 3 both of which have quite good SLI support.
That is simply as a result of poor SLI scaling, which in Star Citizen (given that it isn't a full release yet) is fully expected.
Fallout 4 is one of those iffier titles which I believe you have to fiddle around in to get a better SLI result, in addition to maybe a driver rollback, have a poke around.
Try it in something like Civ 5 or The Witcher 3 both of which have quite good SLI support.

Ok thanks, I will try civ 5 and get back to you. I did some more testing and got some better results off of gpu-z, but they still dont make any since. Basically SLI is correctly enabled, and the games are using both gpu's, but only at like 60-70% each. In both star citizen and fallout 4, running the games at 4k, both gpu's were at about 70% utilization, but the fps was only 50. If I drop the resolution to 1440p, the gpu utilization drops to 50% on each, and the fps goes up to 60 and stays there. So why doesn't the games just use more than 70% of each gpu to get 60 fps at 4k?