980ti Valley Benchmark terrible score


Aug 20, 2015
After seeing some people overclock and getting high scores, I decide to run this benchmark myself to see where i stand. After putting my settings to the same as other stock and overclocked 980ti's (Ultra 8xAA) I am dissapointed at what i see. I have an i5-4690k at stock clock and a EVGA 980TI ACX 2.0. The score I got most of the time was below 100 and max fps didn't even reach 60. I tried turning off AA completely and got a similar score and still max fps of 60. I turned power management to maximum and still same score. In regular games I get good fps so I dont worry too much but I still want to know why this is happening. I am in windows 10 if this has anything to do with it.

I tried this out and I did get an increase up to a max of 55fps. Now although it says this, I can run gta v without dipping below 60 fps. So is this some glitch or something?

I did this and well the minimum didn't change that's for sure but the highest increased to 90- 110 sometimes. I also tried on 1440p because I am thinking about getting a 1440p monitor with g sync so fps shouldn't really be a problem nd my scores were max 96 and minimum 7.3.
If reinstalling drivers doesn't fix your score, use GPUZ, hw info64 or msi afterburner and see what your clock speed is set too. Monitor your gpu usage while doing valley benchmark and even though 4690K is plenty strong, monitor your cpu usage and temps too.

What is the actual score of valley? Post a screenshot of it if you can after it's finished running and if it's doing the same thing still, post screenshot of gpu and cpu usage while benchmarking.
Yes the bulk of your problem appears to have been resolved by fixing the drivers. That minimum is still far lower than it should be. I mean it should be low, but with a Core i5 you wouldn't expect down to a single digit unless that is a stutter when it loads a new scene. Using programs like Reaper suggested is the best way to further investigate the GPU, and will help see how your CPU is doing.

Could we get your full system specs though? I'm curious if maybe there is some other potential conflict. Maybe your PSU isn't up to the challenge, or you have a RAM shortage. Do you have anything else running during these tests? The CPU shouldn't be an issue, but again, a single-digit minimum is a bit odd.

So my friend overclocked his cpu and told me i should. I overclocked my i5 to 4.4 and decided to see how this benchmark goes and boom max fps is 176 and minimum is 27 and my score is 4573, I appreciate everyone else answers as I assume they all helped me in some way.
Double check your temperatures and everything. Make sure the system isn't overheating at that. Not sure what cooler you have, but the stock cooler isn't up to handling that. Overclocking was a good decision though. I was going to recommend it after you made sure that the PSU and cooling was adequate.

I have corsair h100 or something like that and a 1000w power supply, temps for cpu never got above 58 degrees Celsius. The gpu temps never go above 76 Celcius