980ti Worth Picking Up


Jun 22, 2011
I was just curious on how much you guys think is okay to spend on a 980ti before its more reasonable to just get a 1080.

I was going to just sell my 970 to get a 980ti and use that till 1080ti but I wasn't sure how much was worth spending before its better to just get the 1080.

Any input would be great. I plan on playing 1440p 144hz.
1080Ti with HBM2 or GDDR5X (they haven't actually said which) is supposed to be in '2017'

I'm convincing myself to ditch my 980s for a single 1080 or maybe a pair. I'm pretty sure my water blocks will fit.
every comparison i've seen shows the 1080 besting the 980ti. especially at higher resolutions. so if they are even near to the same price the 1080 is definitely the way to go.
i agree with dangus. $400 for a brand new 980 ti, maybe $500 for the Zotac OC super crazy one.

have you seen anything about when 1080 ti will be available?

looks like the 980 SLI was still on top at 1440p to me...except for shadow of mordor. although at 4k its pretty close. basically a tie.

yeah, i'm not really surprised about 1440p. probably more marketing by Nvidia and even Gamespot just trying to draw in readers than any huge leap in performance. my 8GB 290X can still do 60fps easy at 1440p with highest settings and 2x AA. so, we really shouldn't need anything new or special to hit good speeds there.
it looks like the 1080 is a bit ahead at most games @ 2160p, but nothing to get too excited about yet.
i would imagine with the newest games and those coming the scores would be more in the 1080s favor.

they're making it a big deal in their marketing how it compares to the 980 ti and SLI 980. but the the only really big difference i see is price, power consumption, and lack of heat generated. even with the new memory.
i'd really like to see how well 1080s handle OC and how much difference it can make compared to the 900s.
Yeah I saw benchmarks for dual 980 but at that point if im getting two I could probably just get the 1080. Thanks for the input guys. Its been helpful. Im just gonna OC my 970 for now and see if it cna push 1440. If not ill probably try and pick up a cheap 980ti

if you're going to OC the gtx 970 you have don't expect to get like bags of extra performance. we're talking 10% extra at 1440p max