It's mainly just for power saving. SO the CPU isn't running full pelt all the time. So when there's a light task, only one core might be needed for the CPU to complete the task as quickly as possible, versus a heavy task where all CPU cores are running at max speed. You wouldn't necessarily want all that CPU frunt just going to waste, producing needless heat and using power.
In actual fact, it's the opposite. For the most part, this fluctuation will help maintain the life span of the CPU. But with that said, a normal CPU (without bashing) is capable of running fro 10yrs+ maybe more. If for example you were running the system at a set clock, The CPU will likely last 10 yrs. If on the other hand you are OC'ing the CPU, then yes, you might reduce the lifespan, but by maybe a year or two at the max.
It's really not something to worry about.