9950 BE simple overclock?


Feb 1, 2009
I have never oc'd before but i would like to test my skills. What is the easiest overclock i can do without having to change any voltages. I've heard that all you have to do is change the multiplier but like i said i have no idea. ive read forums about it but it seems people just ramble on or argue semantics. just need a straight answer on the most direct route to oc. Also i am using a stock cooler so again i would like to know the easiest oc without having to spend money or worry about frying my cpu

my specs are
Asus M3A78-T mobo
Phenom 9950 be (125w) stock cooler
9800gtx+ oc gpu
antec 650w psu
ocz fatal1ty 2x2gb ram
antec 1200 case
Step up the multiplier .5x at a time run prime95 for 1 hour to test stability if stable go higher if stable go lower.

Multiplier might be listed as clock ratio in your pc.
Better yet, I've found this one to be particularily effective without a lot of work: set the FSB to 225 and put the multiplier up to 13.5. This gives an effective speed of 3.08GHz
seems to not be very stable with 13.5 multi and 225 fsb. have it set to 13.5 and 215 which has been stable so far and is giving me ~2.9GHz which i am fine with. i bought a bigger HS/fan today so its staying around 40deg celcius which i assume is good...ran a stability test for only 10 mins because i didnt have much time and it got up to 50deg...ill have to run it for an hour tomorrow. my goal was to get to 3.0ghz but im still new at this and it kind of intimidates me because i dont want to mess anything up lol.