[SOLVED] 9th gen support

Nov 10, 2018
Hey everyone! I’m planning on getting the B360m DS3H mobo and I’m wanting a 9600k to go with it, I’m not asking for criticism on the combo lol but my question is, does this motherboard support 9th gen yet? And if it does but only with a motherboard update, what is the cheapest cpu I can get that’s compatible to update the bios with?

My Z370 AORUS Gaming 5 booted right up with the F7 BOIS with the 9900K.

I did update it to the F10 before with the 8086 in and the VCORE went nuts, so I went back to F7.

Installed the 9900K and updated the BIOS to F10 and the VCORE went nuts again, tried F11, same thing.

Went back to F7 and everything was good to go again.

Remember the 9900K etc...
It will almost certainly need a bios update if you are buying that board new. Generally motherboard manufacturers stop manufacturing a generational chipset as soon as they begin manufacturing the next gen chipset. So that was on an earlier bios version with the F11 version that supports the 9th gen CPUs not coming until after the newer boards began production.

It's always possible that any unsold stock was updated before being shipped to vendors, but I would not COUNT on it.

The cheapest CPU you could get that would work would make the investment higher than simply buying a newer motherboard that supports it out of the box, likely, even if you were to find a used one for 75% of MSRP. I'd just buy a board that supports it out of the box PLUS I'd buy a board that support both overclocking AND higher memory speed, otherwise you might just as well not even by that K SKU processor.

That's not to critique your choice, it simply makes more sense to spend less money. I seriously, SERIOUSLY doubt you can get that motherboard AND a CPU that will work in it, for less than you could just get a board that would work with it out of the box.

You're looking at about a 40 dollar difference between doing this, and the board you had picked out. No way you are going to find a CPU that works in that motherboard for less than 40 bucks if the 9600k doesn't work.

PCPP seem to think it WILL work, without a bios update, but the motherboard product page specifically indicates bios version F11 is needed for support. Perhaps you can check first with the seller to verify what bios version it will have OR buy directly from Gigabyte. The only other alternative would be to have the bios updated at a shop or send it to Gigabyte for updating, IF in fact it is not already on the latest bios when you get it.
@darkbreeze I’m actually buying 3 or 4 systems I’m planning on doing this to, I’m not interested in overclocking at the moment but maybe in the future if I decide to update the boards, so I’d buy one CPU to upgrade all the boards with

Might boot out of the box, likely will at least into the bios so it can be updated.

However I wouldn't go with the latest vers of the BIOS, not sure about the 360 Chipset and how they are. But I know the Z370's with the latest bios, both F10 and F11 give insane high VCORE.

I had to go back the F7 BIOS, the 8086K bios and that works great on my board with the 9900K, AORUS Z370 Gaming 5.
That CPU is ONLY supported on that motherboard with bios version F11 according to the CPU support page for that motherboard. If it was supported on an earlier bios version, it would say so. I can't agree, for that CPU, that an earlier bios version is going to work OR if it does, not have major problems at the hardware level.

Anything is possible, but being probable is another story.

My Z370 AORUS Gaming 5 booted right up with the F7 BOIS with the 9900K.

I did update it to the F10 before with the 8086 in and the VCORE went nuts, so I went back to F7.

Installed the 9900K and updated the BIOS to F10 and the VCORE went nuts again, tried F11, same thing.

Went back to F7 and everything was good to go again.

Remember the 9900K etc is still a Coffee Lake CPU.

Not sure what Gigabyte did, but IMO the F10 and F11 BIOS are screwed up bigtime. Stock was over 1.4V, and 1.5V with MCE with the F10 and F11.

Same thing happened with the 8086K before the F7 BIOS fixed it, F6 was crazy high VCORE.


When you updated the bios previously to F10, you changed the microcode. That cannot be changed back once changed, so the CPU would remain supported, in theory, regardless that you changed the actual UEFI firmware backwards. I'm pretty sure that is the reason your system booted the 9900k with the older bios. Had you not updated to the newer bios and thereby already updated the CPU microcode which is stored differently than the UEFI firmware, I seriously doubt it would have worked.

Wouldn't be the first time I was wrong, but I'm pretty darn sure that is the reason why.

Also, I would be unlikely to allow the system to control the vcore on any platform that allowed it to be manually set anyhow. They are ALWAYS overblown to the side of stability. Even at the stock configuration I would change the vcore as low as it could be set and still be stable based on testing. At least on an unlocked board.

I know the Z370's will boot with the 9900K for a fact, they were tested before the new BOIS was released for the Z370 boards.

Dunno, the Z370 boards do work and will boot.