A Brief Look At 'Star Wars: Battlefront II'

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How about add LAN play (or at least a server browser) in the sequel, DICE!! I was so bummed when I learned that my wife and I wouldn't be able to play the first one together.

Knowing EA, It's a definite no because Origin and "counter piracy".
IMO, lots of these flaws are from EA side and not DICE's fault.
never had any problems with bf3, bf4, bf hardline, or bf1. 4 people with all of these games in my house sometimes we do same servers sometimes we don't but never a problem if you join friend in game from origin chat.
If Battlefront 2 were more like Overwatch or CSGO then I'd be interested. Unfortunately, EA insists on game-ruining progression systems that want to act like a second job. I just want to sit down, party up, and play a game with my friends. I don't want to micromanage who has what unlocked or wait some 300+ hours for them to get something important unlocked. I wish the media would push back on this rather than regurgitating the latest press briefing or acting shocked that there's a ridiculous grind post-release.
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