A build for the parents


Aug 4, 2017
Hello. I'm building a computer for my mother after her Mac mini died. It's only my second build so I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks in advance!

System Usage: 50-tab internet browsing, 1080p streaming, the odd casual game (like iterations of Bejeweled), Bluetooth Apple mouse/keyboard, emails, office documents. Don't know if I should mention that she'll occasionally do something outside the predictable range of activities (e.g. she tried editing photos but probably won't try again since it didn't work out well). (*Edit in case this was ambiguous: "1080p streaming" is just watching not content creation.)

Budget: Not fixed, but as low as possible whilst retaining reasonable build quality. For reference, my current attempt is about £350. A replacement Mac mini would be £679 so it should at least be significantly less than that.

OS: I actually want to try and see if Linux will work for her. Otherwise Windows 10. I assume this doesn't actually affect the parts chosen though.

Monitor: Already have one. 1080p. HDMI.

Parts Preferences / Additional Comments:
- Case must have dust filters all over and shouldn't be too big. A MicroATX case or smaller.
- She is used to Apple's smooth Bluetooth mouse/keyboard usage and hopes to not have connection issues. From what I understand, it's better to get a motherboard that has Bluetooth integrated? I've not been too impressed by USB Bluetooth.
- I read that Intel integrated graphics isn't what it used to be, and should be able to handle everything mentioned above. Please do tell me if I actually need a GPU. (I'm leaving space for a GPU regardless, just in case she decides to do something random that requires it.)
- Noticed some H110 motherboards require BIOS updates with a Skylake processor to post. So I'll be sticking to B250/H270/Z270 to be safe.
- Will be using the SSD salvaged from Mac mini. If anything goes wrong with it, I will replace it with a M.2 SSD, so I aim to keep the M.2 slot open.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Pentium G4560 3.5GHz Dual-Core Processor (£73.48 @ BT Shop)
Motherboard: Gigabyte - GA-B250N-Phoenix WIFI Mini ITX LGA1151 Motherboard (£87.48 @ Aria PC)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory (£70.74 @ Aria PC)
Storage: Toshiba 256GB 2.5" SSD THNSNC256GBSJ (salvaged from Mac mini)
Storage: Western Digital - Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£37.20 @ Aria PC)
Case: Fractal Design - Core 1100 MicroATX Mini Tower Case (£29.97 @ Amazon UK)
Power Supply: Corsair - CXM (2015) 450W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£46.98 @ Box Limited)
Optical Drive: LG - GH24NSD1 DVD/CD Writer (£13.89 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £359.74

If I stick with this case, I'll also pick up a 120mm dust filter for the side panel and some SATA cables.

Thanks a lot!

Thanks for the reply, Rexper!

Which are the workloads that will require the RAM upgrade? It'd be really helpful to know.

Also, would it be easier to just get the full 16GB RAM now, on account of the whole matching RAM for dual channels? (Cost is not an issue.)