A cheeky atikmpag.sys bsod problem


Mar 10, 2013

I have been searching the web for about two days now, trying countless solutions to fix the problem that occured as i got myself this new graphics card XFX HD 7950 3GB , which was replaced from an old HD 5750.

Ill try to write down every step that i have gone through so far;

1. As I first got the card, I started uninstalling the drivers from the old card, powered down the machine, removed the old card, and replaced it with the new one. Everything seemed fine, computer booted properly and I didnt suspect any problems until I logged myself in and saw the desktop. Resolution was set to full and I still missed an inch or two that was blacked out around the image on the screen. After a quick google, I figured out that I needed to get the new drivers for the new card, so I installed it, and thats where "hell" started. I experienced my first BSoD immediatly after the restart, which lead me to having to reboot in safe mode. And that worked as expected, and then i just tried to reboot normally again, without doing any changes, and this seemed to work fine(played Crysis 3, Dota 2 and some other games without a single problem), until the PC went into sleepmode, which lead to another BSoD.

2. After some research, I found the utlity program called "Driver Sweeper", as most of the suggestions found on the internet pointed towards the fact that the old card drivers corrupted/interfered with the new one. So I booted up in safe mode again, did the driver sweep on the ATI drivers, rebooted, and crossed my fingers that the problem was solved. I quickly realised that it didnt to anything else than give me a new BSoD error every time i tried rebooting normally (USB error, VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE, etc..).

Rebooting it gave me the option to do the classic system recovery to solve the problem, but ofcourse Windows couldnt solve it. So after the recovery process, rebooted, got the old BSoD, rebooted to safe mode, rebooted again and startup normal mode, and got into the desktop without any problems, and I was again hoping that the problem had magically gone away. Still didnt dare to turn the computer off, so I let stay on, turned off the sleep modes and went out for a couple of hours.
What met me this time was a checkered screen in white and black, so I had to to a hard reboot, and repeated the safe mode process to get back into the desktop to see if there were other solutions.

3. The next solution I found was to remove the Catalyst Control Center, as some suggested the problem might be caused by that. After some work I managed to remove it, as well as the drivers, and then ONLY installed the drivers, leaving the CCC behind. After this I did a reboot, and it actually went straight into the the login screen without any hassle, and again (lol) i thought the problem was fixed. 1 hour later it got the atikmpag.sys BSoD again, which lead to some frustration and lead me towards the next step; doing a complete and fresh install of the OS.

4. As I had Windows 7 installed, I figured that I might as well could install Windows 8 on a fresh install, so I did. Well, I tried that is. Installation process went smoothly, and then the computer had to reboot as it has to when installing the OS, and then I nearly broke down in tears as the load screen was scrambled upon reboot. And then came the errors, and then the Win8 BSoD screen with the atikmpag.sys error displayed.

I am out of clues of what to do next, as I cant even get to install the OS at this moment and would deeply appreciate all the help you guys can provide, hell I would even pay for it if someone could come up with a solution to all of this.

My system specifications are as follows;

ASUS P8P67 Pro
XDX HD Radeon 7950
Intel i5-2500K

Thanks to everyone reading this
Thank you for your help, but as I live in Norway the only computer repair you can get is from the internet shops customer service, and as I built the computer myself all the parts have come from different ones. Any other suggestions? :/
Tried to contact them now, hope they still in business. Thank you again, would be great if they could fix it.

Any other suggestions while I wait for them to reply tomorrow would be appreciated and tested.
Alright, come across some sort of "progress" if I can call it that.

I finally managed to get the install going with the old graphics card, and experienced no problems what so ever so you seem to be right about the card having some problems.

Changed back to the new card again now and tried a boot, first I got the BSoD, rebooted, and now im actually in again. Any thoughts?