A core 2 Duo poreccesor Bottleneck GTX750 ? i can play on 800x600 resultion if it will prevent it !


Nov 13, 2014
I am planing on buying new Card : GTX 750 Windforce 1GB GDDR5
But my processor is Core 2 Duo E4500 @2.2GHz . with Ram 4 GB
I am currently playing most of the recent games with 800x600 resolution .but i hope i wanna play on 1366x768 ,but if this may lead to bottle necking ,and 800x60 will prevent it , it is oky for me !

And if any resolution with this processor will lead to bottleneck

What about SAPPHIRE R7 250 1GB GDDR5 ? or Gigabyte GeForce GT 640 OC 1GB GDDR5?
i think it is good even with the 1366x768 resolution

Thanks in advance
I have another rig in my stable running an old Athlon II X2 270 and a PNY GTX 750 Ti. It games beautifully at 1080p with medium settings in most games. Your C2D is a bit slower, but so is the GTX 750. Who cares about occasional bottleneck in some games with a PC at that age. Get the damn card and play some games.
It will bottleneck to some extent.

And running at 800x600 will make it WORSE! The lower the resolution, the more you shift the load away from the GPU and towards the CPU

I suggest running it as high of resolution as it can manage when using a weak CPU

So with my current processor&Ram do you think will be GTX750 really Better than the R7 250 ? (i know it is really bettter than it ,but i am talking about it in my pc !)

So you think ,by anyway , GTX750 will do its performance so better than the R7 250 ? The GTX750 deserve its money ?
Cause i was about to buy the R7 250 , but so much freinds suggested the GTX750 .saying it is so much better ,with litte higher price

and yeah , i am planing on upgrading my whole pc in a year or 2 (casue my Mobo is old, can't support more than core 2 duo)
I have another rig in my stable running an old Athlon II X2 270 and a PNY GTX 750 Ti. It games beautifully at 1080p with medium settings in most games. Your C2D is a bit slower, but so is the GTX 750. Who cares about occasional bottleneck in some games with a PC at that age. Get the damn card and play some games.

Thanks alot
btw,i liked your style 😀

JUST another small question,, Dose it matters if i get it OC ? , will differ alot ?
Or May be if i get The TI vertion , just asking to be sure of everything
And now i have the option of buying it Gigabyte,MSI,EVGA ,hmm i don't know what is the best ! i will will buy it from a pc shop (not form internet)
but the gigabyte verstion is named :Gigabyte GTX 750 Windforce 1GB GDDR5

At 720p resolution, you'll get great gameplay with any GTX 750. Yes, the Ti is faster, but it's doubtful you'll see any improvement with the C2D unless you play GPU limited games. The fastest GTX 750 Ti that requires no 6 pin connection is the PNY: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=8906821&sku=KNY-102334060&SRCCODE=WEBBP2089&cm_lm=okey1211@comcast.net&cm_mmc=email-_-Retro-_-WEBBP2089-_-tigeremail2089&utm_source=EML&utm_medium=main&utm_campaign=WEBBP2089

But be sure you have a quality 300W PSU or better.

i think most games i play is GPU limited (League of legends,Assassian's Creed,Call of Duty,Fifa,PES,Need For Speed ) except Battlefield which is CPU
so TI will be better for me ? or there wont' be so much difference ?

i AM SORRY, i wanan ask another question , am really sorry, if you don' wanna reply ,it is oky
I am currently running on that cheap trading Power supply , but my current GPU was recommending PSU with 400 watt , and i never had problem with it

So i think the 750 (no TI ) doesn't need new PSU, but the TI version ?? i think it needs ,if yes ,definitely i will buy The (no Ti ) tomorrow 😀

not sure, how can i know ?
i am on Ggigabyte 945GCM-S2C

EDIT: I was playing Assassin's Creed 3 on this processor with A GPU (from 2008) called Geforce 8500
With Lowest settings , and i finished it 😀
So i think it Assassin's Creed will be good , that's enough for me ,i think
You are not going to enjoy gaming with such CPU, I do not understand why people here tells you otherwise. It is like saying a Pentium 4 does not bottleneck. It would much more worth to you to buy a cheap 60 dollar Athlon to remove it.
Core 2 is much better than a P4. Still 2.2Ghz is pretty low.

Since that isn't an OEM board, I bet you can OC. Are you using the stock cooler or something else?

That 800 MT/s FSB CPU has a pretty high multiplier of 11 so you might be able to hit 2.6 GHz (236MHz - 944MT/s FSB)


The quality of your PSU will make ALL the difference. Not just in its ability to survive, but at being able to provide enough clean power to run the card and other components at full performance. If you think your PSU is under-qualified. Don't go any higher than the 750. Better yet, replace it.

NOTE: Check back with some reviews of how it is working for you when you get the card installed. Some folks here have had issues with the new Maxwell-equipped GPU. It uses a UFI BIOS. Some GTX 750/750 Ti come with a BIOS switch that will allow operation on legacy BIOSs. Some PCs aren't even effected. It appears to be hit and miss.
Someone here said the MSI cards had an adjustable BIOS. I can't verify that.

i think i will get the GTX750 now, AND later (after a year or something) i will upgrade my Mobo&Processor&PSU
I think GTX750 will be fine with my new pc after a year , right ?

Hmm i didn't understand your 2nd paragraph ,sorry i am still kinda new in understanding the whole gaming&GPUs technology

Now all i am afraid off . that i may have compatibility issues with my Mobo (it is really old)
The slot for the Grpahic Card is PCI-Ex16 version 1 i think . now the current running versions is 3.0 .. so,NOW i am searching about a shop (in my country) where i can refund the card if it is not working
IF you know ,do you there is high possibility that i may find that kind of issues ?

It's hard to say. Some older motherboards have an issue with the newer GTX 750/750 Ti. Most don't. Here is a post from an earlier discussion about the subject. The OP ended up getting the EVGA card and had no issues. But he may have had a newer PC than yours.