A cpu under $150 that fits the gtx750ti


Nov 22, 2014
I'm planning on ordering a 2g gtx750ti GPU, and I couldn't decide on which CPU i should choose. With black Friday coming up next week, I could probably grab any CPU under 150(normal price) for 130.

Should I go with pentium, i3, or AMD
The AMD FX-8320 is an amazing deal at that price point. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113285&cm_re=fx-8320-_-19-113-285-_-Product

You could buy a Hyper 212 Evo with it and still stay in the budget. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099&cm_re=hyper_212_evo-_-35-103-099-_-Product

You could get an fx-8350 is you don't want to overclock at all. The 8320 is the same as the 8350 but with a slower clock speed. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284

If you plan on overclocking, get an ASUS M5a990fx motherboard. If you don't plan on overclocking, get the 970 edition of that board. I would get the 990fx version either way, because you might change your mind in the...

What do you mean, the pentium's integrated graphics are better than the discrete graphics on the 750ti? I never heard of that, but wouldn't the pentium bottleneck.

The gpu will bottleneck the cpu is what I am saying. The integrated graphics are terrible on the Pentium.

A GPU does not bottleneck a CPU. I have a feeling you might not quite understand what bottle-necking is. Here is a good video to watch (trust me it is worth it to watch this video).http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAgpvWc4VBM
The AMD FX-8320 is an amazing deal at that price point. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113285&cm_re=fx-8320-_-19-113-285-_-Product

You could buy a Hyper 212 Evo with it and still stay in the budget. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103099&cm_re=hyper_212_evo-_-35-103-099-_-Product

You could get an fx-8350 is you don't want to overclock at all. The 8320 is the same as the 8350 but with a slower clock speed. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113284

If you plan on overclocking, get an ASUS M5a990fx motherboard. If you don't plan on overclocking, get the 970 edition of that board. I would get the 990fx version either way, because you might change your mind in the future.

Intel has nothing competitive in this price point. Intel is the choice when you are choosing between under $100, and over $200. The pentium g3258 is a good CPU (at its price), but you can get something better. The i3 a good CPU, but really it is not competitive anymore after the 8320 and 8350 price drops.

If you live near a microcenter. The 8320 last year was $100 on black Friday.
many cpu,s will work well with the GTX750ti ... the popular Pentium G3258 in its overclocked state is worth considering however i would be looking at haswell core i3,s such as the "i3 4150 "( http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Components/Processors/Intel+CPUs/Core+i3+-+Socket+1150+Haswell/Intel+Core+i3-4150+3.50GHz+%28Haswell%29+Socket+LGA1150+Processor+-+Retail+?productId=60654 ) and at £85 this represents excellent value and will produce decent performance with the GTX750ti ... i went with the i3 4150 at 3.5ghz as that cpu cant be overclocked and the decent clock speed will help with gaming
a core i5 would be significantly better but the price may be out of your budget ... personally im using a ivybridge i5 3330 which is one of the slower i5,s but still produces excellent performance .... the best value haswell i5 is the "i5 4430"( http://www.aria.co.uk/Products/Components/Processors/Intel+CPUs/Core+i5+-+Socket+1150+Haswell/Intel+Core+i5-4430+3.00GHz+%28Haswell%29+Socket+LGA1150+Processor+-+Retail+?productId=55831 ) and at £130 this is still pretty inexpensive especially when you consider it has 4 cores each clocked at 3ghz ....
just remember dont buy the first cpu you see .. do plenty of research including checking passmark cpu scores ( =2252&cmp[]=1924&cmp[]=2267]http://www.cpubenchmark.net/compare.php?cmp[]=2252&cmp[]=1924&cmp[]=2267 ) .... this link shows the difference between the pentium G3258,the i3 4150 and the i5 4430 ......
hope this helps