A desperate cry for help - broken T500 Screen hinge

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Oct 24, 2015
I have a beloved 8 years-old Lenovo T500 which I cherish dearly
(and also cannot afford at the moment to replace with a new laptop).

Through wear-and-tear over the years the Screen's bottom left hinge has started to give way - the actual metal screw hole, inside the plastic screen frame cover has broken off and as a result the entire screen is touchy-loose and the plastic frame across that side is widely opened and braking off.

I'm looking for a way to improvise a permanent fix from the outside -
Where the laptop screen can be moved to change it's angle of view (and also closed of course).
I want to achieve this without opening the plastic frame cover, as I've already done that a few times and since the entire thing is delicate I already caused further damage on the opposite side where the plastic is weak.

I tried using the strongest duck-tape I could find in order to try and hold that corner together (a black 'demolition tape'). It didn't hold through.
I've also tried to super-glue the duck tape to that corner with a tight snug. It also got loose due to the faulty mechanism's exerted pressure :-(

Below are links to a couple of photos are in order to try and illustrate the problem
(I apologize for the poor quality due to my old Nokia C2 3-Megapixels mobile phone camera):



So - any ideas on how to improvise a DIY common-household-items, permanent fix ?

Help would be greatly appreciated!

Thx in advance...
You can just bolt garden variety hinges from your hardware store to it. I've done this to a laptop before, but it ain't exactly pretty. And you have to be prepared to take your laptop apart of course. Mine looked like this, pretty much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZfUGAgX6M8
Here are soem other options. The second link, especially, is what you want to do, by the sounds of it.

Your fix in the video seems elegant enough (as opposed to the other horrendous examples).
Only problem is: I'm a complete goof when it comes to practical technical repairs. I'm hardly the home-improvement kinda of guy (i.e. can barely drill a straight hole for a bolt in the wall).
So your solution and instructions are way off my capabilities.
Any suggestions on what kind of handy-man I should try and turn to with your instructions?
(taking into account I live in a country of unprofessional crooks (I've already tried to find a private pc-repair-guy, he ripped
me off and now I'm suing him...) .

Other simpler elegant solutions that will fit a common lay-man like me are also welcome 🙂

DIY fixes like this are always going to be pretty ghetto - it's all about coaxing a few more years of life out of it, not about looking pretty. When I did this my train of thought was I had nothing to lose either way (an old laptop with a broken hinge is worth nothing anyway), so taking to it with a screwdriver and drill doesn't really matter - even if you epically fail. The key things to remember is to remove the battery before doing anything, and it also helps to take plenty of close-up digital photos along the way so you can figure out what went where when it comes to reassembly.
Agree. But the only catch is that I can't exactly afford a new laptop right now if I screw something up.

considering, I will try to find a friend with 'good enough hands and tools' to try and do that for me.

Thanks for the extra tips, I will keep that in mind!
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