A disk read error occurred. help


Jan 18, 2016
Guys i was just talking on skype and BSOD appeared , Kernel Data inpage Error , after a restart i got a disk read error occured , i had win 10 on usb and i fixed that disk error with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gsuw9uYJa8I video, then sometimes disk use was going to 100% but there was no thing using disk and computer was freezing lagging so much , then at end of the day same blue screen appeaed ,i did same thing with this video but it did not work so i shut it down , today i turned on and computer turned on im in windows but its lagging i cant even acces control panel and that bsod can appear anytime ,so what is this ,is this some kind of virus ,if i reinstall OS full clean will it fix it ? pls help me before bsod appears again
it depends on the actual error code.
for example, if something like your battery backup dies, then the BIOS reverts to defaults. if the BIOS setting was set to sata mode AHCI to a default of IDE mode then you would not be able to read the disk and would get a error. All you would have to do is go into BIOS and select the correct sata mode and it would start working again. And all you would need to do is replace the small battery on your motherboard. Generally, your system time changes to the default time while in bios if your battery fails. When booted into windows, windows will contact a internet time server and update the time on your machine and it will be ok until you turn off the machine again.

if you boot into windows...
now i cant turn on computer im getting this : no boot device found . if i buy new HDD and install new system , will it fix everything pls tell me i need answer fast
check and make sure your drive is getting power and the data cable is properly connected first
(if you just updated from windows 7 to windows 10, you can get read errors while the system is trying to do low level repairs) If you have been running windows 10 for a while, then you might just need a replacement drive)
it depends on the actual error code.
for example, if something like your battery backup dies, then the BIOS reverts to defaults. if the BIOS setting was set to sata mode AHCI to a default of IDE mode then you would not be able to read the disk and would get a error. All you would have to do is go into BIOS and select the correct sata mode and it would start working again. And all you would need to do is replace the small battery on your motherboard. Generally, your system time changes to the default time while in bios if your battery fails. When booted into windows, windows will contact a internet time server and update the time on your machine and it will be ok until you turn off the machine again.

if you boot into windows, and run crystaldiskinfo.exe it will read the smart data from the drive and give you an idea of how much life is left in the drive. Generally, a drive will last up to 4 or 5 years for a spinning mechanical HDD.
generic failure rates are about 25% in the first year, and 15 % each year after that until the drive fails.

Windows 8.1 and above will help reduce the failure rates by moving data off of bad sectors as they start to fail.

with windows 7 and below, you can do a full format of the drive to try to get the bad sectors marked bad.
(these sectors tend to move as the drive wears, a full format will mark them as bad, a quick format assumes they are all good)

Also, it does depend on which interface you use for your hard drive, some people do use a USB, these can have read errors because of bugs in BIOS, usb chips, and usb drivers. Also, old drivers for usb devices can corrupt data being sent on the usb hub.

in all likely hood if the drive is several years old, I would just run the crystaldiskinfo.exe and see if it thinks the drive is bad. and replace it I only put SSD drives in my systems now and use cloud backup and fast internet downloads.
before I used ssd for windows and HDD for large data storage.
