no it fine...right now in the pc parts world intel and the gpu vendors are dropping new cards ever 12-18 months. both nvidia and amd have slides showing there product line out to 2016 and latter.
for easy info will do amd cards.
amd started out with there 1000 line then went to 2000/3000/4000/5000/6000/7000 then there r200 some of them are rebranded 7000 cards some are will call the 8000 line and the newer cards will call the 9000 line.
if you had a 7800 card now and wanted more speed you would want to wait for the newer r300 line. someone rocking a 5800/6800 is stuck using old direct x9 as you need newer card for those games. also going from a 5x or 6x to a 7x card the newer cards are faster and use less power and run cooler. on...