A Gaming Pc


Jun 9, 2013
hi guys i want your opinion about this gaming pc if any thing of these parts is bad or not compatible with another part please tell me

1.gigabyte gtx 770 oc windforce x3

2.gigabyte z87x d3h lga 1150

3. i7 4770k

4.cooler master seidon 240m cpu liquid cooler

5.thermaltake gts 10

6.G.skill Ripjaws-X 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3 1600 CL9 1.5v Dual Channel Memory Kit

7.ASUS VX238H 23 inch Ultra-Slim LED

8.corsair cx750m psu

9.Western Digital (WD) Caviar BLUE WD10EZEX 1TB SATA 6Gb/s 7200 RPM 64MB Cache HDD

If you guys have any point or any un copatible parts tell me
Get an i5. The i7 is a waste of money and offers nothing over the i5 for gaming.

You could get a 650w PSu and it would be more than fine.

I personally do not like closed loop water cooling kits because they don't offer much if anything over air coolers and make alot of noise.

Tiny Voices, I highly disagree with your comment. There are quite a few CPU intensive games out there (such as ArmA) and require that need of extra support for maximum quality and performance. If you're just looking to play games like battlefield 3, Counter Strike. i5 will probably be best. Like me, when you get more into gaming, you'd want to expand on what you want to do such as record your gameplay. Times like that is when you regret not getting a better CPU. Also with your graphics card, you're probably going to hit high framerates at max setting, so you might want to consider getting a 120 Hz monitor.

You are incorrect. No game EVER uses hyperthreading. They are native 32-bit applications and cannot use it. Games using hyperthreading is about 7+ years off still. This is the same reason games still only use 4gb RAM.

As far as a monitor, ONLY get a 120hz monitor if it is an IPS panel. ANYONE here will tell you that 60hz IPS > 120hz non-IPS.