Question A good Coding Forum ?


Jun 28, 2023
I didn't find a forum I thought worked for this post; so if it's not appropriate, delete my post and move on.

I'm trying to learn web development tools including HTML/CSS/Javascript/DEV_TOOLS/VS_Code/Git/GitHub, et al. I've found and taken some good online tutorials, but I've yet to find a good forum for asking questions. I've tried Stack Overflow (too many rules and stiff-necked mods) and freeCodeCamp (too insistent on their way being the only way). I've not found any others that offer users opportunities to ask questions and provide context about how the questions arose.

Does anyone here know of such a forum?
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Tom's is a good forum for asking questions.

And works very well if you:

explain the problem,

offer your thoughts on what the underlying cause(s) may be,

provide what you believe to be a viable solution,

cite sources.

show your work.

willing to be challenged a bit - in a good way.

= = = =

Does not work well if you are attempting to get someone to do your homework or your job.