A little help solving an small argument

Blarg King

Mar 11, 2014
So I've been having a small argument with a classmate of mine over the graphics cards in our laptops. Were all using identical laptops for school, and they have both Intel HD4000 integrated graphics, and GeForce 610M dedicated graphics. (I don't get why, since the HD4000 is slightly better than the 610M at most tasks). But my classmate thinks that they can run in tandem, for example when using Maya, he thinks the HD4000 run stuff like the Windows UI, while the 610M runs Maya at the same time, on the same display.

Now to the best of my knowledge, you cant use 2 different GPUs simultaneously on 1 display. So am I right, or is my classmate?

Its called nVidia optimus, basically what it does is allow your laptop to switch GPUs on the fly using the integrated graphics for small tasks and power saving such as desktop usage video viewing etc. When you need more rendering and graphics power, thats where the nVidia GPU comes in instead of the integrated intel GPU.

That's not necessarily simultaneous though. That said, that sounds really interesting. I ought to look that up and find more about it.
Its as simultaneous as you can get without running the new AMD APUs as you mentioned or crossfire/sli. Unless your friend is thinking of optimus, he is wrong either way, afaik only the newer AMD APUs are able to use the integrated GPU cores as part of the CPU processing power, which would aid in rendering software.
So not simultaneously. Which is what I was saying. He also claims using both saves energy and heat, but from what I've seen disabling the 610M not only improves performance, but gives my system an overall lower temp, and a good hour longer battery life.

The whole point of optimus, is using integrated to save power etc, using only the discrete AMD GPU when its needed.

Your friend would be wrong. Even in SLI, discrete GPU's use a lot of power and generate more heat themselves. Even the Dual-GPU videocards, which use less power and generate less heat then their SLI or CrossFire counterparts, still generate quite a lot of power and heat.

You are right in disabling the G10M to preserve battery life. If anything, have your friend make a post on here with his claims and asking for reassurance or verification from the masses and watch him get shot down fast. Perhaps I'm more cynical? lol

Better you than me or the rest of the internet! Sometimes you've got to knock down people, even your friends, a peg or two. I had a friend telling me that he managed to overclock a CPU past 6ghz on air cooling alone the other day. I called bs on that. You don't have to be a dick about it. Just push him towards all of YOUR sources and ask him where are his.

Debating or arguing isn't about who is right. It's about disproving the other person.