A little help with GTX 1070

Nov 5, 2018
Well, I was thinking of upgrading my RX 460 to a GTX 1070. But I'm worried if it will phisically fit into my case because it's quite small and will the CPU be good with it. And also, what kind of PSU would be recommended for this?

My current specs:
RX 460
AMD Ryzen 5 1400
On the budget end, the S12II 520W from SeaSonic is about 50EUR

Dated platform, but still capable.

A more modern unit would be the TX850M for about 120EUR.

I have no idea why the smaller TX650M unit is not available though.....it should be <100EUr. Maybe another store has it? That's the only website I know of for Croatia.
CPU will be ok with it - would be ncie if the 1400 had an overclock applied, but with an A320 board that's not going to be possible.

What RX460 do you have? What PSU do you have? What case are you proposing putting it in?

Too little information to really advise.
You have this MSI card?

Your case will support:
Graphic cards up to 320 mm

Most (all?) 1070'd are in the 280mm range, so it'll physically fit, yes.

For the PSU, 700W is unnecessary, but it depends on the quality.
A quality 500W range unit will be more than adequate.

Depending on your location, the CX550 from Corsair, or the S12II 520W from SeaSonic are pretty affordable and good quality units (although the SeaSonic is pretty dated at this point, it's readily available in most parts of the world).
For the PSU? Completely unnecessary.

While Croatia has limited stock, 100EUR or less should be more than adequate. I think you can also order from Mindfactory in Germany for 20or30EUR shipping..... which might work out to be a better deal, depending on availability.

Let me take a look.
On the budget end, the S12II 520W from SeaSonic is about 50EUR

Dated platform, but still capable.

A more modern unit would be the TX850M for about 120EUR.

I have no idea why the smaller TX650M unit is not available though.....it should be <100EUr. Maybe another store has it? That's the only website I know of for Croatia.