A New Market? Fujitsu Makes Laptop for 60 Year-olds

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Clearly they have no clue about what old people want. Bigger text on screen system wide (that doesn't screw up OK buttons and windows placement), some sort of removable mouse built in, bigger text on keyboard, an actual manual, no trackpad and reinstall discs. Most importantly easy and intuitive to use or at least a consistent GUI to memorize placement and steps.
Well, I'm in their target market and this has absolutely zero appeal to me. However, I'm probably not who they had in mind with this - a 60+ gamer (of the Elder Scrolls, Dishonored, Borderlands kind, not Words with Friends). If I got a laptop like this, I might lose my title as "the cool uncle".
A large portion of Japan's population will be in this age bracket soon, and many of them will be familiar with computer use. This product is for them and them alone. The culture is also extremely respective of the elderly and older members, and this is just one of many examples of that.
If this product has special key to directly adjust ease of access options and pre-installed teamviewer or other remote desktop applications, i will consider buying it for my parents.
I think this would be insulting even to 80 year olds. They should have given it some neutral name and advertised it in media that has older demographics, as well as provide sales guidelines for retail, so that salespeople would steer the appropriate customers to this model.
It's not like they're going to sit on-- Better be sturdy!Cheers! xD
Looking at the KB it very well might be. I dunno why people would get mad about this TBH. A Lappy with decently loud speakers, a water resistant KB (Because Juice from JR will wreck a KB as will Gam-gam's tea) and a high capacity battery. . . . I want this lappy too.
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