A power supply question


Apr 5, 2014
This has been bothering me for a long time. Why do power supply cords/monitor power cords so loose? My computer has shutdown randomly many times while gaming because of a stupid loose cord. Its so frustrating, can someone explain why and how I can solve this?

EDIT: I tried getting the cord closer and it's made it better but I'm pretty sure its going to happen again and I still want to know why they're so loose .-.
I think its a corsair, I forgot the specifics and the name of it but I do know that its from a trusted brand and it had 5 stars on newegg. I remember reading the reviews and nobody had this problem. The PSU is fine, just the cord. I pushed firmly so hard I think I might've sweat a bit. Nope, it just wont lock in.


5 star from newegg doesn't mean much for the product, only for the shipping and service of the retailer really.
Hardware reviews from professional such as johnnyguru are better.
The PSU has worked great for me for a year or so, I don't see why it would happen now.

Also my computer just randomly shut down! Guess what? IT WAS THE FREAKING CORD AGAIN! 🙁.

EDIT: I really want a PSU cord that LOCKS ON. Seriously, this is getting really annoying, is there any of them out there?